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After buying a new TV, an amp, some floor standing speakers and some smallers ones for the rear, i have an array of boxes in my garage, taking up alot of loft space. Question is, are these actually worth keeping? If I ever do sell any of the AV stuff (which I dont intend too for a long long time) are the products worth any more with their boxes?


Just interested in what people's views are on buying stuff like speakers etc, with/out boxes

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Well i had my stuff for 18months now, and have no intention of getting rid of it within the next 5 years atleast, want to get my fill out of it all, and as the boxes are huge, il probably bin them. Clearing out the garage to make way for the Zed in the next couple of months, so can use all the space I can get.

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Certain things are considered more valuable with the original boxes, but I'm not sure the items you've listed fall into that category.


Boxes that size come in handy if you're moving house or looking to dispose of a body in something that will decompose along with the corpse.


Otherwise, if you do want to keep them, just remove the tape/staples, flatten 'em and shove them in the loft till you need them.

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Im a hoarder, my wife if a thrower outer, and im trying to be ruthless with as much as I can, as so want to have a neat tidy garage. Already have an old kitchen that im going to put up and use in there, along with floor matting that is just waiting for me.

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I'm going through a similar process. I want a nice tidy garage (although I can't get the zed in there as I already have the 'half an old kitchen' installed :lol:


I've just started to paint the walls white.


My solution to a tidy garage (as I'm a hoarder) was to buy a shed to throw all the cr@p in! :thumbs:

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Im a hoarder, my wife if a thrower outer, and im trying to be ruthless with as much as I can, as so want to have a neat tidy garage.


Same here. Recently moved and ended up dumping 15 years of saved boxes in the loft for the very reasons you mentioned. Learnt my lesson and utter waste of space and then time getting rid. :doh:

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If you are likely to resell it the original box may add 5-10% to the resale price. So it depends on whether that 5-10% is worth the hassle of keeping the box.


For instance I don't bother with store cards as that one free sandwich I'd get a year isn't enough to carry around a massive wallet of cards in my pocket. Unless anyone decides to make banana shaped store cards I'm out.


(That was my 350th post, I can now claim a free sticker... and I made a dick joke)

Edited by Randy_Baton
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No-one is going to pay any extra for a 7 year old AV receiver if it's got a box :lol:


Tech will be so out of date by then it's untrue, unless it's a very high end one. If it is, then it'll be worth loads still regardless of having a box or not IMHO. Same with a TV, or speakers, or anything like that really.

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To be honest,with the cost of what iv bought, i do not intend on selling any of the bits any time soon. Il talk to the wife later and see what he 2p's worth is, but i think il end up just getting rid of them all. Atleast that will free up space for Zed parts etc. Iv also kept the box for my Eibach ARB's, but il throw that out at the same time, as its worth naff all.

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Big boxes are actually worth a fair bit of money ~ we just paid £5 odd per box in work for large boxes measuring approx 24" x 24" x 32".



Personally I get rid of boxes for items usually within the first few weeks or so once I think my electrical goods are working ok. My mothers a hoarder and bl**dy hate it tbh. Can't stand this sort of cr*p just loitering around. :thumbdown:

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I totally refurbed my house two years ago, I'd faithfully kept the boxes and polystyrene packaging, my AV amp, hifi, tower speakers, Sky+ etc., came in. Brilliant for storing out in the garage while all the work was done and not a speck of dust on them when I put all the stuff back in the house.


Other than for this purpose, I can't think why I still keep them!


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Big boxes are actually worth a fair bit of money ~ we just paid £5 odd per box in work for large boxes measuring approx 24" x 24" x 32".



Personally I get rid of boxes for items usually within the first few weeks or so once I think my electrical goods are working ok. My mothers a hoarder and bl**dy hate it tbh. Can't stand this sort of cr*p just loitering around. :thumbdown:


LOL! reminds me of when we moved, i think we spent in excess of £100 on boxes.... still have nightmares about it...we had over 150 of them :wacko::surrender:

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