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Can anyone please list for me if you dont mind, every poasible cause of a misfire?


Just noticed mines missing only every now and again not constant. As you know it idles quite alot lower than it should say around 650rpm.



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Just one possible cause I can suggest ~ I had a misfire (which eventually caused the EML to come on) it was down to a faulty coil pack. Got a second hand coil pack from zmanalex, traced the faulty one and replaced.

Cleared the code and all was good again. :thumbs:

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Yeah ive not tried anything. I literally noticed it 10 minutes before posting. Thing is it drives perfect its only when on idle. I put the diagnostics on it. No fault codes but the tp% was only 0.4 and didnt move when revving.. Im guessing thats not right?

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650rpm +-50 is the correct idle speed, and most of the DE engine i have seen have a slight uneven/miss on idle, i think its a case of some people notice it some don't.


However the TPS doesn't sound right, how was it measured, and is the measurement reliable?

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  On 07/08/2014 at 08:58, mouthwash said:

More bad luck Bradders, seriously? You're due the jackpot soon surely.


tbf, its not too bad, and to be 100% honest it may have been there from day 1, just last night i noticed it more as it was making the flywheel chatter when it missed.

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