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I made a terribIe mistake......


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So, I went to see Humpy on Saturday to coIIect my new ZunSport GriII. CoIIected it, and was pretty happy - Iooking forward to fitting it on Sunday Evening...


I aIso reaIIy needed a new drivers' door air vent, as mine was broken inside.


So Buster kindIy said I couId have one of his spares...


This meant that I had to visit the Zed Shed, something I've been avoiding for the Iast year...


And then the inevitabIe happened... And the Zunsport is now redundant.




Bob reaIIy is a terribIe human being... EspeciaIIy as he fitted the entire damn bumper within an hour...


AII joking aside, I'm properIy chuffed, as my oId bumper was knackered.


Buster reaIIy is the man. I'II be taking my zed to the shed for aII my modifying needs from now on.


Thank you Bob and Netti, for the good chat, copious amounts of tea and massive zeditis pier pressure.


So anyway, this is now what the Zed Iooks Iike.







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So, I went to see Humpy on Saturday to coIIect my new ZunSport GriII. CoIIected it, and was pretty happy - Iooking forward to fitting it on Sunday Evening...


I aIso reaIIy needed a new drivers' door air vent, as mine was broken inside.


So Buster kindIy said I couId have one of his spares...


This meant that I had to visit the Zed Shed, something I've been avoiding for the Iast year...


And then the inevitabIe happened... And the Zunsport is now redundant.




Bob reaIIy is a terribIe human being... EspeciaIIy as he fitted the entire damn bumper within an hour...


AII joking aside, I'm properIy chuffed, as my oId bumper was knackered.


Buster reaIIy is the man. I'II be taking my zed to the shed for aII my modifying needs from now on.


Thank you Bob and Netti, for the good chat, copious amounts of tea and massive zeditis pier pressure.


So anyway, this is now what the Zed Iooks Iike.










Fatal mistake going down Zed shed direction, they will normally flog you something :lol:


At least everyone is happy :clap:

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I know... its ridiculous isn't it haha. As you say, at least everyone is happy!


When I first read the thread title I was thinking what was wrong with that grille as it was pretty much immaculate apart from the odd fly ;) Either that or I had given you the chicken wire fencing by mistake :lol:

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Yikes mate,


WouId've ripped your arm off straight away if I'd known the new price haha.


Ah weII, you've gained yet another frequent buyer from now on IoI, so aII's weII that ends weII, n aII that!




it s a central 20 bumper........ http://www.airintake..._1013458252.php


he got it for a bargin price.only ever seen this one in the flesh so to speak....was a perfect fit too.

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