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I hate f**king kids!!!


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Had a great weekend and just getting back to our house last night after watching Bourne, when I spot loads of folk milling around outside my house, some in dressing gowns. As we get nearer I can see the Micra has a smashed front screen. Round the corner, four of my neighbours have some fat scally kid pinned against my side wall shouting obscenities. Apparently, a gang of 20 scrotes decided it would be a great wheeze to walk the length of our road over the line of parked cars! :rant:


There are 4 or 5 cars damaged and I reckon we're quite lucky as I'd rather havbe a smashed screen than some of the panel damage to bonnets I saw. The police arrested fat-boy who obviously couldn't run as fast as the others and say they're going to take some statements but as no one saw him actually do anything and he's unlikely to grass on his mates I can't see anything coming of it. Suppose they may arrest the neighbours for grabbing the kid........ :headhurt:


Very p1ssed off!!! :angry:

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Feel for you Digsy and also makes me f**king angry. :rant:


With the recent shooting of a poor 11 year old, you would think that people at the moment would have a little more sense and would clamp down on their own kids and too make sure their kids are acting and behaving properly. This country is now becoming the absolute pits.


In a word parents are going have to start taking responsibility for their kids or face the consequence's.



Also dam annoying that 2 people have recently died defending their own property, before long people are going to take the law into their own hands and i am afraid it will turn very ugly.


For example its 2am in the morning and you wake to the noise of someone smashing your zed up .


Do you


A: Ring the police who wont come

B: Go out yourself and risk the chance of been murdered .

C: Buy yourself a Magnum 45 and shoot them in the knee caps from your bedroom window.


For me the last will soon become reality.

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unfortunately all too common occurrence... :rant:


Just a sign of how the UK is becoming..streets full of feral children running wild..breeding more feral scum !



Move ....probably the best advice... to another country :blush:


+1 As much as I hate to admit it. Am happy to run the offshore 350z-uk.com site! :teeth:

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Id go bloody mad personally! I would no way go out there and confront them, id call the police right away and try to take pictures where i can of them. I think its sick thesedays and i am ashamed to be bringing up a little girl in this climate, however there is nothing i can do about it. All i can do is teach her right from wrong and hope that everything will be ok in the future. All else fails, im buying a big fook off dog and he can deal with the little fookers.

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unfortunately all too common occurrence... :rant:


Just a sign of how the UK is becoming..streets full of feral children running wild..breeding more feral scum !



Move ....probably the best advice... to another country :blush:


I agree with Tim - crap ingredients make for crap products. I for one won't be staying in this country when I retire.

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Its a sad state of afairs when this kind of action from kids never really comes as a surprise. A sign of how our society has deteriorated due to the erosion of our values, or more accurately I feel, the inability to stand up for our values by the introduction of mass quantities of do gooder legislation, european conventions, the blatant abuse of human rights acts etc etc...


There is just about nothing that can be done to reverse the decline either. As you say - phone the police for a kid smashing a car window, you'll be lucky if you get a visit within the week. Certainly far too late to fingerprint anything if the car is outside. Even if they do catch them, there is no punishment.


They may even be able to impress their mate with an ASBO certificate. Which cant be held against them in the future as that would be discrimination, you cant use the only method that these imboseles dragged up by knuckle scraping missing link parents would understand, the good old fist, as that will certainly see you up on a charge.


All the while the government would have us beleive everything is rosy, and crime is going down year on year. There are that many sources of statistics you could cobble together the best bits of them all and publicly announce we are living in a utopia if you really wanted.


Sadly unless the government take drastic action - and no more of this namby pamby give them an asbo lark, the next generation will lead our society well and truly down the toilet (if it isn't circling the bowl already).


There will be those of us that are in the fortunate position of being able to sell up and leave the country, although a better description may be "flee". For the rest, short of the kiss of life to common sense and action almost befiting of the term civil war, I think the scrotums that commited this lunacy above will shortly be firmly in control in our society.


Why on earth would Honda have an advert which states "tapping progress on the shoulder and saying, 'more forwards please' ". If this is what progress is about, then can we have a reverse gear - ta.

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I remember if I'd have done something wrong then my parents would have been involved, I'd have got a bollocking of the police, my parents, then dragged around to whoever I'd upset for another bollocking! Tell me that still happens...


Parents get blamed a lot these days, but I reckon some don't have much of an idea what their Little Johnny is up to because the loop is never closed! It shouldn't need a prosecution for that kid to be told off, accept he's done wrong, then be given a chance to fix his mistake.


Not all kids are bad, but many demand the Rights without the Responsibilities.

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kids nowadays know the price of everything and the value of nothing - they want all the latest gear but don't think you should have to work hard to get it. They have no respect for teachers, police or even their parents. They all know their rights. My son is 20 and for the first half of his life I bought him up by myself and I was strict but not harsh. He was never allowed to drop litter, swear, leave the table without asking to be excused etc. When he got older and wanted a moped he had to get a job to pay for it and at 16 was working in a supermarket every saturday 2pm until 10pm when all his mates were out enjoying themselves. We could have afforded to buy one for him but it would have taught him nothing. He's now a hard working young man that pays his way. He is still a typical gobby youth but that's just normal. All this hassle starts at home where kids are ruined and spoiled from day one! I feel for you Digsy and if you can move to a better neighbourhood that's what I'd do but it's not always that easy.

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kids nowadays know the price of everything and the value of nothing - they want all the latest gear but don't think you should have to work hard to get it. They have no respect for teachers, police or even their parents. They all know their rights. My son is 20 and for the first half of his life I bought him up by myself and I was strict but not harsh. He was never allowed to drop litter, swear, leave the table without asking to be excused etc. When he got older and wanted a moped he had to get a job to pay for it and at 16 was working in a supermarket every saturday 2pm until 10pm when all his mates were out enjoying themselves. We could have afforded to buy one for him but it would have taught him nothing. He's now a hard working young man that pays his way. He is still a typical gobby youth but that's just normal. All this hassle starts at home where kids are ruined and spoiled from day one! I feel for you Digsy and if you can move to a better neighbourhood that's what I'd do but it's not always that easy.
I totally agree with you, i was brought up the exact same way, maybe you are really my Mum? ;)


I was taught the value of everything and as soon as i was 16, i went out and got a job as i wanted to buy things that may parents wouldnt buy me as, well, why should they, they only need to buy me the essentials and any extras i got myself.


To this day, i dont like people paying for me, so i go out, work hard and earn my own living.


This is how im going to bring Becca up and she is so good when we are out. When we go shopping she asks for toys, sweets, clothes etc...however i only buy her one thing now and then, when i tell her that she is not getting anymore, she hugs me and says ok Daddy, thankyou for (whatever it is i got her). SHe will not have a tantrum in the shops, she will not shout and scream and try to get her way. If she does i would deal with it accordingly.

God i sound like my Dad!

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kids nowadays know the price of everything and the value of nothing - they want all the latest gear but don't think you should have to work hard to get it. They have no respect for teachers, police or even their parents. They all know their rights. My son is 20 and for the first half of his life I bought him up by myself and I was strict but not harsh. He was never allowed to drop litter, swear, leave the table without asking to be excused etc. When he got older and wanted a moped he had to get a job to pay for it and at 16 was working in a supermarket every saturday 2pm until 10pm when all his mates were out enjoying themselves. We could have afforded to buy one for him but it would have taught him nothing. He's now a hard working young man that pays his way. He is still a typical gobby youth but that's just normal. All this hassle starts at home where kids are ruined and spoiled from day one! I feel for you Digsy and if you can move to a better neighbourhood that's what I'd do but it's not always that easy.
I totally agree with you, i was brought up the exact same way, maybe you are really my Mum? ;)


I was taught the value of everything and as soon as i was 16, i went out and got a job as i wanted to buy things that may parents wouldnt buy me as, well, why should they, they only need to buy me the essentials and any extras i got myself.


To this day, i dont like people paying for me, so i go out, work hard and earn my own living.


This is how im going to bring Becca up and she is so good when we are out. When we go shopping she asks for toys, sweets, clothes etc...however i only buy her one thing now and then, when i tell her that she is not getting anymore, she hugs me and says ok Daddy, thankyou for (whatever it is i got her). SHe will not have a tantrum in the shops, she will not shout and scream and try to get her way. If she does i would deal with it accordingly.

God i sound like my Dad!


Good on you two!


Sadly it seems in todays society your the minority!


I dont have kids but i do have 10 nephew and nieces and all of them are well behaved. None would ever dream of getting in trouble with the police. All the ones that are old enough to work are working and pay their own way.

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There are millions of kids in this country - if they were all bad then there would be anarchy on the streets. There isn't.


All there is, is a minority of idiots like there has always been, and a general dislike of children in this country (unlike other countries), again which there has always been.


I'm completely against grouping people together and attaching a negative view of them. Kids, teenagers, students, goths, the unemployed, IT people, sales guys, blacks/whites/browns, christian/jew/muslim/athiest, gay/straight, etc - I just realised, is it possible to have been in every category? :lol:


Digsy - what's the comeback on the damage to your car? Something should happen to that kid, even if they can't prosecute... the police should surely get him and his "mates" in a room with their parents and the victims and give them a rollicking! Fight Fight!

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Think one of the main problems now is that we as a society have no way to deal with these kids. Not blaming the police, it must drive them mad.

Asbos are a joke.

Until we reintroduce a means of "teaching" them right from wrong and respect there is no chance of things getting better.


National service for persistent offenders???

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My wife and myself had this discussion the other night. I am honestly afraid of raising a child in this country, hence at this stage I have none and have no plans to have any.


Quite simply there are no deterents for criminals regardless of age. Would this happen in a country where they chop off your hand for stealing.... I very much doubt it.


I'm sorry, but the goverment are the ones I blame, they set the rules. The parents are also responsible, but you'll probably find that their parenting skills were passed down from theirs etc etc....


Gone are the days where we can send criminals to another country...oh wait a minute perhaps we are that other country now... hey but immigration is a topic on its own.

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There are millions of kids in this country - if they were all bad then there would be anarchy on the streets. There isn't.


All there is, is a minority of idiots like there has always been, and a general dislike of children in this country (unlike other countries), again which there has always been.


I'm completely against grouping people together and attaching a negative view of them. Kids, teenagers, students, goths, the unemployed, IT people, sales guys, blacks/whites/browns, christian/jew/muslim/athiest, gay/straight, etc - I just realised, is it possible to have been in every category? :lol:


Digsy - what's the comeback on the damage to your car? Something should happen to that kid, even if they can't prosecute... the police should surely get him and his "mates" in a room with their parents and the victims and give them a rollicking! Fight Fight!


No word yet from the police on this one. I'll let you know when/if I hear anything.


As for kids, of course they are not all bad. However, there are a huge number in this country with no respect for anything or anyone. To me this has to be related to how they are brought up - both schools and parents. Kids are too aware these days that teachers and parents are powerless to impose any meaningful discipline upon them. In a Utopian society we would not need to use any sort of physical punishment to control children but unfortunately we live in the real world and the proof of this liberal approach to parenting and education is there for all of us to see. I would stress that I don't support knocking the living hell out of kids and there is a line which mustn't be crossed but things have gone too far the other way.


As someone has said, these anti-social louts go on to have their own kids to whom they pay no attention whatsoever and the problem just gets worse.


I don't want to be driven out of a house and a city that I love by this scum but what do you get if you stand and fight? Shot? Stabbed? Even if they don't attack you right away, a homeowner who kicks up a fuss makes themselves a target. We can't always be there to protect our property and the police don't have the resources to do it for us.


Surprising as it may be, I actually live in one of the most desirable areas in the Liverpool suburbs so if I need to move then it means that there is nowhere safe to live in the city anymore and I don't believe that the other big cities are any better.


I better stop now as I'm just winding myself up! :angry:

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There are millions of kids in this country - if they were all bad then there would be anarchy on the streets. There isn't.


All there is, is a minority of idiots like there has always been, and a general dislike of children in this country (unlike other countries), again which there has always been.


I'm completely against grouping people together and attaching a negative view of them. Kids, teenagers, students, goths, the unemployed, IT people, sales guys, blacks/whites/browns, christian/jew/muslim/athiest, gay/straight, etc - I just realised, is it possible to have been in every category? :lol:


Digsy - what's the comeback on the damage to your car? Something should happen to that kid, even if they can't prosecute... the police should surely get him and his "mates" in a room with their parents and the victims and give them a rollicking! Fight Fight!



I don't want to be driven out of a house and a city that I love by this scum but what do you get if you stand and fight? Shot? Stabbed? Even if they don't attack you right away, a homeowner who kicks up a fuss makes themselves a target.


Its not worth confronting them mate. Mrs Sarnie is under strict instructions to never open our door no matter what is going on out there. If some one was trying to break into my car I'd shout out the window at them and call the police. I've heard too many horror stories from my Mrs about people getting stabbed to death for car keys.


Interestingly I spent £1100 on a reinforced front door that is near impossible to break into. I'm yet to buy anything security wise for my car. This is purely down to me wanting to protect me and mrs sarnie rather than the car itself. The car is just (an expensive) piece of metal and will never be more important to me than my family's safety :)

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