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Grundy & Stevo Weight Loss Challenge



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No food at all? That's a sh*t reception, I'd be off home.


Go drink a load of water or squash or CokeZero or whatever has low calories, fill your belly. Orange juice would be good too, seeing as how you've not eaten.

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There's an old saying....


"Eat like a king for breakfast

Eat like a lord for lunch

Eat like a pauper for dinner"


You burn most of your energy in the "working" hours but I also saw a documentary a few years ago. They basically took two set of Californian firefighters who were fighting forest fires.

The first group they fed them 3 large meals a day and the second group lots of small snacks throughout the day.


They found the first group became very lethargic an hour or so after eating as the body transferred it's energy into breaking down the food but the second group kept going.


Obviously the above was on already fit men but it does show what effect timing/size of meals can have on the body.


I think I said I lost a load of weight a few years back and I ate muesli with red top milk in the morning, at lunch I had a stirfry with only a small amount of soy sauce or a salad (we have a cafe in work where they offer a wok bar) and for dinner I'd have another stirfry with a different protein from lunch or a jacket potato after the gym if I'd been


I'd also take some fruit with me as snacks if I felt I needed it.

No beer except for weekends then every couple of weeks I'd treat myself to a curry or similar takeaway. And no soft drinks of any kind.


I know it's not the best for it worked for me. I'd load the stirfry with plenty of veg and only a little lean meat. Sooo filling.


Main thing is plan the week ahead and schedule things. Again I was lucky as I have a gym at work sink could go straight there, no getting home and putting the telly on in between.


Break your weight targets down into weekly targets, don't become disheartened if you feel you have worked really hard and not lost anything as it will happen a few weeks in. You will also have the off hiccup but keep at it. You will soon start feeling much better.



Disclaimer: I let myself slip and put a lot of my weight back on after about 3 years. That's because my old lifestyle started creeping back in. It is a lifestyle change.

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Less pasta, much more salad.


Salad cream is fine, if that's what it takes to get you eating it. I chuck a load of dressing on my salad, only costs me 30kcals though which is nothing.


Good effort though mate, one step at a time :)

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Have you tried using my fitness pal? I'm currently at 16st been "dieting" for last couple weeks and been very strict with inputting what I eat into the app. You pit on your details and it will tell you how many calories a day you can have.

It really does make you open your eyes in how many calories you consume a day. And if your really strict and put everything in, that sneaky chocolate bar shows up and you can't pretend like you haven't eaten it.


Really is a great help.

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Just weigh yourself once a week, and keep the timing consistent: I do it every Sat morning, straight out of bed.


Brave man making your fitness thing public, great idea though :) Can I make a couple of suggestions though, based on today so far?



You're having twice the amount of cereal as you should be, measure it out just once to get an idea of portion control. Or swap to something really dull, like Special K.

The water is fine, I can't drink plain water either! Good choice fella.

Is the calorie number correct for the popcorn? Metcalfe themselves say it's 115 kcal per bag.

STOP HAVING BACON! It's the greatest meat product ever, but it rapes you in terms of fat and calories. Just have the chicken, a bit more if you must. Was the ranch dressing a low-fat one? Any butter at all? Put any salad in there to bulk it up?



You've already had 2/3 of your days calorie goal and you've not got to dinner yet, which means you're very unlikely to stick to it. Either raise it up to 1800 kcal and add some exercise (are you doing any at all? Sorry if I've missed that) or you're going to have to alter what you're eating. If you like popcorn (me too), grab yourself a cheap popcorn maker from Amazon (I have this one) and make your own, superbly healthy snack and you can determine just how bad you want to make it for yourself by adding your own flavourings: Kernal Seasons do some great stuff, like chilli & lime.




Great start mate, you could well have lost that weight already if you're drinking plenty of fluids as well, it really can come off quick. :thumbs:

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Ah, that makes sense with the popcorn.


I only mentioned the bacon as you picked the Subway chicken and bacon sandwich thing, so assumed you had bacon in that. Sorry bud. I'm not familiar with that app, does it let you add in individual ingredients? You could create a custom sandwich thing if you're going to have that often. I know the MyNetDiary one has everything listed individually, and you can repeat items easily: Might want to give that a go before you get too involved in the current app, see if that works for you better. :) Bacon is still bad though, best to avoid altogether really.


Special K is vile, you're a braver man than me :lol: Cereal servings are between 30-40g usually, which is why I thought you'd doubled up.



I might have to look that popcorn up, was it any good?

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Stevo this is what I was saying to you.


The small changes you are making (whilst honing your knowledge and what your body wants and needs) WILL make you lose an utter shitload of weight really quickly.


Just remember it will plateau. I genuinely reckon your gonna shead 2 stone in a month if you just keep the diet majorly tweaked and do a bit more excercise.


Try not to stress too much that every last thing you put in your gob is going to make you lose weight.


A double serving of healthy cereal is a damn sight better than one bowl of a crap one for example.

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Keeping busy stops you thinking about food that's why I mentioned a camera. I like to get out on my bike if I can but I know that's not for you which is fine, any other hobbies you're interested in that will keep the evenings full?

The important thing is to get up and do something now, not tomorrow as you're too settled for the evening.


Keep going, you're doing well despite what you may think :)

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I'm so hungry :(

Go for a walk and take an apple with you.


If you have a camera, take it with you. Some great flora around at this time of year.


Careful some of that flora may be edible :scare:

It'll be a damn sight healthier than subway :)

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I'm so hungry :(

Go for a walk and take an apple with you.


If you have a camera, take it with you. Some great flora around at this time of year.


Careful some of that flora may be edible :scare:

It'll be a damn sight healthier than subway :)

Very true...


Unless it's a fun guy who is deadly :lol:


Edited due to me being a pleb :)

Edited by Fodder
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