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Best place to get a deal on a 350z at 21?


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I'm 21 and looking to get my first Zed on the road, I can afford to buy one but it seems to me that nowadays just being able to afford the car isn't enough...


I've been driving since I was 18 and I was wondering where it's best to get a quote from? Can I even get insured on a Zed yet?



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  On 22/07/2014 at 15:54, dombooth said:

Thanks guys, I can't believe it! Where should I start? I live rurally and have a locked garage as well so from what you're saying it should definitely be possible?


Should I get a quote direct?


Start with a few Insurance Traders on here and see how you get on. :thumbs:

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  On 22/07/2014 at 16:23, dombooth said:
Would I ever got on a deal with my parents as named drivers, or as me as a named driver?

Put your parents as named drivers, it should bring it down. Putting you as a named driver if you are the main driver of the car is illegal and they'll do you for insurance fraud if you get caught.

Edited by AliveBoy
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Get a letter from your employer stating that you are a company named driver and that should allow them to give you an introductory NCD.


Car in your parents name on the V5 as registerred keeper and them also as owners, and you as a named driver should help, just another option.


Also as above in your parents name with any driver (no names)


Phone around and get quotes and remain patient as it will take a while, and watch those 0845 numbers. ;)


Alex. :)

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  On 22/07/2014 at 15:54, dombooth said:

Thanks guys, I can't believe it! Where should I start? I live rurally and have a locked garage as well so from what you're saying it should definitely be possible?


Should I get a quote direct?


as stupid as it seems... you park it on the road in regards to the insurance! try both quotes I think you may be surprised :)

Also when doing an online quote via a comparison site you don't want to insure it until the latest possible date (normally 30 days)

When you accept the quote you can edit the start date before you purchase and the price isn't affected.


I have a few times saved a few quid saying I wanted it insured a month in advance, instead of on the day. but just edit it before you pay for it via the direct website you get linked to to pay (admiral etc etc, not the comparison site)

Edited by cmr1991
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Thanks for all your help guys, once I got my dinosaur of a dad on as a named driver, changed my parking arrangements, selected the right occupation and said that I wanted insurance a month ahead I managed to get it down to around £1500 on comparethemarket.


Direct over the phone I was getting mugged off!


I'll get pics up once I've finally found a Zed worth forking the money out for :)

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