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And there was me thinking it was as simple as putting one foot in front of the other

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That's the generation after mumm-ra, sorry I meant Tricky. :p


The thing is in this day and age, everything is throw away that is why most people don't take things apart anymore because they'll just go get another on the never never.


Also technology and understanding has come a long way, sports science has come a long way and there are perhaps things you would like to know to best prepare yourself for running or whatever. I see no problem with that and in fact I think it's pretty ignorant to laugh at those that want to be informed.



ironic isnt it


laugh at a generation for being 'stupid' then say they dont need to read a book to become informed

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I was talking about common sense, but there are some here who seem to have decided to make its into some kind crusade about young v old, so in the interests of keeping this civil i am not going to comment further, so thanks for proving my points, and just argue among yourselves.

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