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Malaysia Airliner Incident


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Obama said that it was launched from rebel territory? Of course he will say that...he is trying to get NATO base into Ukraine, Crimea especially - but now because it became part of Russia - he is pi**ed off and blames Putin and Russians in everything! Which is bollox! I can go on about for hours...what you see on the news here - is bollox as well! Well, it's not even half a picture! If Putin and Russia so bad to Ukraine - why tens of thousands refugees cross border from Ukraine to Russia every day?

I been to both Russia and Ukraine since all this sh*t kicke off - even Ukrainian people with a bit of sense realise that Ukrainian government is doing it wrong...but nobody shows that bit on the tele!


Back to this plane crash - all airlines were advised to avoid that flight zone... Airline didn't bother change their routes and fly over war zone...

We ~ the general public ~ will never get the full stories unfortunately.


Governments/political parties and those in charge will only ever let us know what they think we should or what benefits them.

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I do think Putin was/is trying to use the situation to advance his personal plans.


As far as civilians migrating to Russia out of Ukraine I'm not there I don't now the reasons why but if I was there and I needed to seek safety I'd go for the big guy who will protect me.


I don't believe we are ever told the truth, there's always a spin to be added by whichever "side" you happen to be on.

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Obama said that it was launched from rebel territory? Of course he will say that...he is trying to get NATO base into Ukraine, Crimea especially - but now because it became part of Russia - he is pi**ed off and blames Putin and Russians in everything! Which is bollox! I can go on about for hours...what you see on the news here - is bollox as well! Well, it's not even half a picture! If Putin and Russia so bad to Ukraine - why tens of thousands refugees cross border from Ukraine to Russia every day?

I been to both Russia and Ukraine since all this sh*t kicke off - even Ukrainian people with a bit of sense realise that Ukrainian government is doing it wrong...but nobody shows that bit on the tele!


Back to this plane crash - all airlines were advised to avoid that flight zone... Airline didn't bother change their routes and fly over war zone...

Please read my post again ;)

As I said I'm not stupid enough to believe the news we receive isn't censored ;)

Yea, I have read it :) was just putting my point across to people who only say Oh, Obama is such a great guy and Putin just a wa*ker and kills people"...when in real life it's not like that! If they would send BBC to little towns and villages around Ukraine (western or eastern) and interview them live without editing - you will see that most against of what "new" Ukrainian government is doing and so on!

It's all started nearly a year ago - just as protests in Kiev... You didn't see much a lot of it - as it was just normal Ukrainian people protesting for change of government...that "mafia" or whoever they are took over - that's when all shootings and everything started in Kiev and it got out of control...by that point Ukrainian people who were having a peaceful protests gone home and only "terrorists" left...who kill their own people if they against them! But for some reason - I don't see any of it on the news




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Obama said that it was launched from rebel territory? Of course he will say that...he is trying to get NATO base into Ukraine, Crimea especially - but now because it became part of Russia - he is pi**ed off and blames Putin and Russians in everything! Which is bollox! I can go on about for hours...what you see on the news here - is bollox as well! Well, it's not even half a picture! If Putin and Russia so bad to Ukraine - why tens of thousands refugees cross border from Ukraine to Russia every day?

I been to both Russia and Ukraine since all this sh*t kicke off - even Ukrainian people with a bit of sense realise that Ukrainian government is doing it wrong...but nobody shows that bit on the tele!


Back to this plane crash - all airlines were advised to avoid that flight zone... Airline didn't bother change their routes and fly over war zone...

We ~ the general public ~ will never get the full stories unfortunately.


Governments/political parties and those in charge will only ever let us know what they think we should or what benefits them.

Yea, that! We only get told what they want us to believe in! But I got part of family in Ukraine and and few of my friends got their family as well - so we know what's happening there as we being told by them, not the news!

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I do think Putin was/is trying to use the situation to advance his personal plans.


As far as civilians migrating to Russia out of Ukraine I'm not there I don't now the reasons why but if I was there and I needed to seek safety I'd go for the big guy who will protect me.


I don't believe we are ever told the truth, there's always a spin to be added by whichever "side" you happen to be on.

Yes, he most likely did...with Crimea! But in calm way and let people chose if they want to be part of Russia...he didn't put a gun to everyone's head! Yes, he did move military there - but only to protect 2 or 3 bigger Russian's navy bases there as there was a risk from them trouble makers in Kiev!

Also, original Ukrainian army put their weapons down and refused fighting against their own people! So when you see or hear "pro-Russians rebels fight with Ukrainian army"...they don't...they fight against them gangs who originally started shootings in Kiev...they took over ukrainian military and basically trying to kill off people in the eastern part of Ukraine who want to join Russia just like Crimea!

If you ask me - its all f*cked up! And these news with "selective hearing" that only show things they want you to see - not making things any better!




That's why until all experts confirm who shot that plane down - it's pointless blaming someone! And as I said before - all airline were warned not to fly over that area... So shouldn't they concentrate why Malaysian airlines not changed their flight courses? As they just as responsible as whoever fired the rocket or whatever it was

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^^ Hope the friends and family are safe Vlad ~ sounds a bit of a nightmare over there.

Yea, my family is safe...they are located in eastern Ukraine - so it's not bad over there! My friend's family not as good tho - as they located closer to the war zone :(

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The thing that always makes me shiver is that with a lot of air crashes there must be agonising moments where everyone knows they're going to die and can do absolutely nothing about it.

I should imagine that's quite a peaceful moment, once you get past all the hysterical screaming.


Yeah. Be nice to think they reach some sort of inner peace. I particularly find those scenarios where some poor person is sucked out still strapped into their seat disturbing. I had a similar morbid fascination with the first Shuttle disaster when they said the astronauts probably lived for some time after the craft disintegrated.

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It is looking like (based on highly edited news reports no doubt) that its the rebels in the East - its not inconceivable they are being supplied by Russian military - looks to me like they shot the wrong plane down.


There was no other plane up there..!! :scare: :scare:


Fromt he article in post #27


"...a Ukrainian transport plane had been flying overhead close to the time that the missile was fired at the Malaysia Airlines plane, suggesting that may have been the original target. The transport plane had been trying to relieve a beleaguered Ukraine garrison."

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There is a lot of guesswork and he said/she said in this thread, and a lot of it has come from news sources you wouldn't otherwise look twice at.


Come on folks, use your head: Most of it is going to be made up to get headlines to smaller websites.

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Yet another amazing conspiracy theory... I stopped reading through the piece but how have they managed to explain the deaths of 300 people (Mainly Dutch who had grieving relatives etc.)? Unless they've employed more actors like "they" did at the Boston Marathon bombings.

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Unbelievable, they think they can fool us with this sideshow stuff.


Everyone knows the NSA can read the tattoo on your ass, from space, whilst you're sat down - yet an entire plane just disappeared from their monitoring systems???? Really? Think about who could make a whole aeroplane disappear in mid air.....


Whilst you're thinking of that.


Think about some major world leaders. Putin, Cameron, Merkel, Prince Philip, George W Bush, Tokyo Sexwhale, Ronald McDonald, Colonel Sanders, Sepp Blatter, Justin Beiber, people from TOWIE. Do they even sound like real humans? Or look like real humans? Think about who could replace humans and provide an almost convincing version of a human...


100 years ago, no one had a phone. 30 years ago your phone had a big plastic dial on the front and was cabled to the wall. Today, your phone is a mobile connection to a fantastic, interconnected network of devices all over the world, which plays games, downloads movies, checks you bank balance, orders pizza, it can even understand commands from your voice and the magic glass interprets multi finger gestures... Think about who could make those changes so fast...


Today, some diesel cars don't sound like tractors, go fast and some you can't even tell they are diesel when you're in the cabin. Who could make this fantastical dream possible????







They took the plane, then beamed it back last week after giving everyone probes. They are inside Cameron, operating his face by wire, they invented the smartphone, they made diesels not rubbish, and CONCLUSIVELY they even invented a substance so fantastic that it makes KFC edible.

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