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Pioneer App Radio Upgrade


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All ye with the stuttering software on the Pioneer App Radio series are in for a bit of a treat


My general dissatisfaction with this unit has been documented on the boards so fairs fair, when they roll out something decent then will praise when praise is due


The new app is called App Radio Live and is downloadable from the Apple App Store . Not sure as regards Android phones. Gone are all the gremlins and the need to physically reconnect and lock ups. The home screen now displays music, map, speed and a news feed and it all works very well


Feels like I have a new head units so kudos to Pioneer for sorting it out


Here's a link



Edited by Mudman
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Yep mines the one you mention and it was a bit of a dog but this has really done trick. It's still pro US but after creating all the various accounts for podcast, intenet radio etc works like a dream and a significant improvement over the original app

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Yep mines the one you mention and it was a bit of a dog but this has really done trick. It's still pro US but after creating all the various accounts for podcast, intenet radio etc works like a dream and a significant improvement over the original app


How does it work as a satnav? Google maps is free I know, would maybe pay for a better bit of dedicated software

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Works ok with the free sat nav app Navfree. You can download it to your phone to try it out. Can also use Waze. Depends what you want but works fine and is free


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Works ok with the free sat nav app Navfree. You can download it to your phone to try it out. Can also use Waze. Depends what you want but works fine and is free


Cheers yeah I have used Waze.


Well I am sold then as the missus wants a DD in her new car with nav, she won't use the nav much so this unit is ideal and at sub £300 a bargain!



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Here you go


Apologies for the quality. Had a few issues with iMovie. When I refer to the speed limit I meant speed over the ground !



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And not a single comment on the Arsenal related stuff !!! :stir:


:lol: of course I noticed, thought it best to just ignore ;)


I love a bit of football banter, I'm not one of these 'fans' that hates all other clubs etc I just love football and love my club, sure you are the same :)



Sent from the golf club...

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Yep quite excited about next season with Sanchez wrapped up and Debuchy close, not sure about Khedira can't see Madrid letting him go. Might even venture up to a preseason game. I used to be a season ticket holder at Highbury but when I moved up to Norfolk just too expensive and cant justify it but its good to go up once in a while as a treat. Very quiet on the transfer market from you guys down the Lane ? With the new stadium plans I guess the chequebook will only open so far - same situation as Arsenal but now the stadium finances are good and some shrewd sponsorship deals have been made means they can compete in the market until Ozil was signed the record was 15m for Arshavin now spent 75m on 2 players and have players wanting to play for the club

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Yeah I think we will see what Poch can do with what he has, maybe 2/3 signings but can't see any big ones really...


I guess you guys can't have a dig at Chelsea & Man City now :p


Should be a good season, I will be happy with finishing top 6 until the stadium is sorted but you never know,I can't see the 2 scouse teams having such good seasons this year with key players having left (Suarez & Lukaku) and Man Utd although better organised are still not a patch on what they were, we shall see.




Sent from the golf club...

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I think Sp*rs have done well with the managerial signing, He took somne promising kids at Southampton and turned them into 25m players. Not sure Lalana and Shaw are worth the money as still unproven at the highest level with Premier League and Champions League games back to back. The loss of Jaws to Barcelona will take some filling by Liverpool with Gerard now being touted as not being fit to play all matches. Chelski with Cesc will be a force and I was gutted AW didn't trake up the option but Arsenal have a wealth of riches in the midfield dept when all fit and needed a striker and a replacement for Sagna so understand. Man City and Chelski still the ones to beat as they will buy big in the transfer windows and can pretty much buy who they want with the backers cash.

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Arsenal still need another midfielder to cover Ramsey and Sicknote Wilshere, IMHO. Plus another utility defender to cover the back line, plus a keeper...


Chelsea look to be the complete team this year with Fabregas and Costa. Citeh will do well as always. Man Utd could have another difficult year if the team don't adapt to LvG's style of management, but then I think it's pretty similar to how SAF ran the team so maybe no issues there.


I'm hoping Spurs will do better now they've had a year to bond as a team. Liverpool could be okay without Bitey McBiterson, but will rely very much on Sturridge & Old Man Gerrard to carry them.

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