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Horse Muck


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We have now become accustomed to picking up our dog poo, so why is it that horses can poo where ever they like, and just leave it there, be it road or path? Drove into my estate (estate that i live on, not 'my estate') and there were piles of it in the road. Why is this acceptable?

Not sure if it is practical to stop, and pick it up, i understand its quite large, but something needs to be done surely.

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I dont mind horses on the road a such, we encountered some on our drive out in Essex on Saturday, but the piles of muck they leave is disgusting. There were campaigns years ago regarding dog poo, i dont see why horses can be exempt. Other than the people that make all the decisions, probably all own a horse or 2, so wouldnt want to bring a rule into effect!

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Why should they toss it in the bushes? it's no different than the soil all around you. Everything has been crap from something at some time.


You know that farmers spread poo on your food before you eat it. City people need to get a grip on where things come from.

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Why should they toss it in the bushes? it's no different than the soil all around you. Everything has been crap from something at some time.


You know that farmers spread poo on your food before you eat it. City people need to get a grip on where things come from.


Oi, I'm a city boy lol! bit of a country side lover though :p

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Id hardly call myself a city person, grand parents worked on a farm for many years before retiring, and i spent a fair amount of time on it. But as a driver, do you not find it atleast a little frustrating when you drive down the road, and maybe have to dodge a load of horse muck left there, then have to clean it off your car as you could not avoid it?

How difficult could it be to jump off your horse, maybe tie it to tree or lamp post, scoop the poo up and then mount the horse and continue on your way?

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Why should they toss it in the bushes? it's no different than the soil all around you. Everything has been crap from something at some time.


You know that farmers spread poo on your food before you eat it. City people need to get a grip on where things come from.


Oi, I'm a city boy lol! bit of a country side lover though :p


Conversions are possible. You must be baptized in a body of water that's not been through the sewer 5 times. :p

Edited by Husky
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Id hardly call myself a city person, grand parents worked on a farm for many years before retiring, and i spent a fair amount of time on it. But as a driver, do you not find it atleast a little frustrating when you drive down the road, and maybe have to dodge a load of horse muck left there, then have to clean it off your car as you could not avoid it?

How difficult could it be to jump off your horse, maybe tie it to tree or lamp post, scoop the poo up and then mount the horse and continue on your way?


Really difficult, honestly. It's a bloody long way up! Stables have steps normally as it's hard work on some of the larger beasts.


I honestly see it as nothing different from rain water or leaves on the road, it's part of the environment. Gritting does my tits in more than poo.

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Id hardly call myself a city person, grand parents worked on a farm for many years before retiring, and i spent a fair amount of time on it. But as a driver, do you not find it atleast a little frustrating when you drive down the road, and maybe have to dodge a load of horse muck left there, then have to clean it off your car as you could not avoid it?

How difficult could it be to jump off your horse, maybe tie it to tree or lamp post, scoop the poo up and then mount the horse and continue on your way?


Very difficult :lol: Genuinely, it sounds simple, but it's really not.

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If horse's can ride on my road without road tax with their metal shoes and crap all over the place without cleaning it up I should be allowed to use their field for doing donuts!. I don't care if I **** off the horse crowd!.

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