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Horse Muck


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If horse's can ride on my road without road tax with their metal shoes and crap all over the place without cleaning it up I should be allowed to use their field for doing donuts!. I don't care if I **** off the horse crowd!.


Lets open a new can of worms.


It's not road tax, it's "vehicle excise duty" road tax finished in the 1930's.

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If horse's can ride on my road without road tax with their metal shoes and crap all over the place without cleaning it up I should be allowed to use their field for doing donuts!. I don't care if I **** off the horse crowd!.


Lets open a new can of worms.


It's not road tax, it's "vehicle excise duty" road tax finished in the 1930's.


a bicycle is a vehicle

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I tell you what else is a menace - puddles. Sitting there contributing to nothing but being all wet, getting my car dirty and stuff, why cant the council just suck them up with a massive hoover or some @*!# like that? :lol:


Horses were here a long time before cars remember ;)

Edited by docwra
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If horse's can ride on my road without road tax with their metal shoes and crap all over the place without cleaning it up I should be allowed to use their field for doing donuts!. I don't care if I **** off the horse crowd!.


"Your" road? Not sure about that...


Find me a horse owner that isn't paying road tax on a car and I'll be impressed... They're probably paying more tax than you as well.


"Don't care if you **** off the horse crowd" - Nice - how very public spirited of you. You doing donuts in a field with horses in is probably about as damaging as somebody spraying your car in brake-fluid, and I'm sure you wouldn't like that... would you?


We're all on this little island together and it's too small for intolerant attitudes like this. Grow up.

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It's not road tax, it's "vehicle excise duty" road tax finished in the 1930's.


a bicycle is a vehicle


So are all of the zero emissions vehicles that are also exempt from road tax ;)


so is every BTCC car with straight pipes and spitting flames but that another story

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There's no reason at all that horses shouldn't be mandated to have those cr@p catchers when on public land. I'm a country lad and have been up to my eyeballs in it, it's not a squeamish thing, it's just not on. Saying that it's a fertiliser and goes on your food has no bearing, they spread cow **** on fields too, doesn't mean I want it layered on my bacon sarnie.


The middle class mafia ride horses, they set the political agenda via the Daily Mail, therefore it's not something that's likely to be addressed by legislation.

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I tell you what else is a menace - puddles. Sitting there contributing to nothing but being all wet, getting my car dirty and stuff, why cant the council just suck them up with a massive hoover or some @*!# like that? :lol:


Horses were here a long time before cars remember ;)

I tell you what else is a menace - puddles. Sitting there contributing to nothing but being all wet, getting my car dirty and stuff, why cant the council just suck them up with a massive hoover or some @*!# like that? :lol:


Horses were here a long time before cars remember ;)


Dogs were too but their **** is legislated for?

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There's no reason at all that horses shouldn't be mandated to have those cr@p catchers when on public land. I'm a country lad and have been up to my eyeballs in it, it's not a squeamish thing, it's just not on. Saying that it's a fertiliser and goes on your food has no bearing, they spread cow **** on fields too, doesn't mean I want it layered on my bacon sarnie.


The middle class mafia ride horses, they set the political agenda via the Daily Mail, therefore it's not something that's likely to be addressed by legislation.


ooo yes please one of those special patty bacon baps lol!

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I tell you what else is a menace - puddles. Sitting there contributing to nothing but being all wet, getting my car dirty and stuff, why cant the council just suck them up with a massive hoover or some @*!# like that? :lol:


Horses were here a long time before cars remember ;)

I tell you what else is a menace - puddles. Sitting there contributing to nothing but being all wet, getting my car dirty and stuff, why cant the council just suck them up with a massive hoover or some @*!# like that? :lol:


Horses were here a long time before cars remember ;)


Dogs were too but their **** is legislated for?


Get some dog crap and put it in your left eye, then put some horse crap in your right eye. Then tell me which eye you lose sight from.

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If horse's can ride on my road without road tax with their metal shoes and crap all over the place without cleaning it up I should be allowed to use their field for doing donuts!. I don't care if I **** off the horse crowd!.


"Your" road? Not sure about that...


Find me a horse owner that isn't paying road tax on a car and I'll be impressed... They're probably paying more tax than you as well.


"Don't care if you **** off the horse crowd" - Nice - how very public spirited of you. You doing donuts in a field with horses in is probably about as damaging as somebody spraying your car in brake-fluid, and I'm sure you wouldn't like that... would you?


We're all on this little island together and it's too small for intolerant attitudes like this. Grow up.


Problem is there will be horse riders who think they own the road and can do as they will


there is (alot) of cyclists who think they own the road and can do as they please until it all stops this attitude will be the same its a human thing,


Makes me think of monday when all walking from the tour de france maybe 1-2000 people walking up the A505 and i heard a few cyclist discussing how all the people walking side by side a closed off road was its making hard to cycle and that the people should keep to the paths and i thought pot kettle black comes to mind

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What about if it was all over the pavement, how would everyone feel then? Just curious. I can't say I've ever had a problem with horse plop, it's not exactly common.


i get it often even post a picture where once means i have to walk in the road or walk threw a 2 square ft clump of @*!#

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If horse's can ride on my road without road tax with their metal shoes and crap all over the place without cleaning it up I should be allowed to use their field for doing donuts!. I don't care if I **** off the horse crowd!.


"Your" road? Not sure about that...


Find me a horse owner that isn't paying road tax on a car and I'll be impressed... They're probably paying more tax than you as well.


"Don't care if you **** off the horse crowd" - Nice - how very public spirited of you. You doing donuts in a field with horses in is probably about as damaging as somebody spraying your car in brake-fluid, and I'm sure you wouldn't like that... would you?


We're all on this little island together and it's too small for intolerant attitudes like this. Grow up.


Problem is there will be horse riders who think they own the road and can do as they will


there is (alot) of cyclists who think they own the road and can do as they please until it all stops this attitude will be the same its a human thing,


Makes me think of monday when all walking from the tour de france maybe 1-2000 people walking up the A505 and i heard a few cyclist discussing how all the people walking side by side a closed off road was its making hard to cycle and that the people should keep to the paths and i thought pot kettle black comes to mind


Yep, it's all about tolerance.... Anybody who's doing anything, anywhere doesn't like it when something or somebody else gets in the way unexpectedly and they have to change what they were doing... Just got to deal with it and move on, regardless of whether you're a driver, rider, walker, skipper, dancer!

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What about if it was all over the pavement, how would everyone feel then? Just curious. I can't say I've ever had a problem with horse plop, it's not exactly common.


i get it often even post a picture where once means i have to walk in the road or walk threw a 2 square ft clump of @*!#


Did it ruin your day?

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BTCC cars dont tend to be used or parked on public roads... silly argument


but its not a tax for the road its an emmsion tax so it is


no its not... you could have the biggest oil burning turbo charged drag racer and as long as it is not going to go on the public highway you dont have to pay any vehicle excise duty.... honestly do a search and read up on the rules....

Edited by SteveM
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BTCC cars dont tend to be used or parked on public roads... silly argument


but its not a tax for the road its an emmsion tax so it is


no its not... you could have the biggest oil burning turbo charged drag racer and as long as it is not going to go on the public highway you dont have to pay any vehicle excise duty.... honestly do a search and read up on the rules....


Congratulation you have no idea what im on about,


it was posted that the road tax stop being a tax of the road in 1930 and that it is now a tax for the use of and emission produced by said vehicle not for use on the road

so horse, bike, skateboarders whatever don't have to pay it as the produce no emissions, to which my reply was was a BTCC car doesn't pay tax yet produce @*!# loads of emissions, hence its not a tax of vehicle usage/emissions but is actually a road tax there for anything using it should pay,


Granted was tongue in cheek but everyone else go it

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What about if it was all over the pavement, how would everyone feel then? Just curious. I can't say I've ever had a problem with horse plop, it's not exactly common.


i get it often even post a picture where once means i have to walk in the road or walk threw a 2 square ft clump of @*!#


Quite often, its been there a while already, once dried its like a soft stress ball, just pick up a piece, squeeze it, throw it, even do some kick ups its great!

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What about if it was all over the pavement, how would everyone feel then? Just curious. I can't say I've ever had a problem with horse plop, it's not exactly common.


i get it often even post a picture where once means i have to walk in the road or walk threw a 2 square ft clump of @*!#


Quite often, its been there a while already, once dried its like a soft stress ball, just pick up a piece, squeeze it, throw it, even do some kick ups its great!


you have horse dont you

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BTCC cars dont tend to be used or parked on public roads... silly argument


but its not a tax for the road its an emmsion tax so it is


no its not... you could have the biggest oil burning turbo charged drag racer and as long as it is not going to go on the public highway you dont have to pay any vehicle excise duty.... honestly do a search and read up on the rules....


Congratulation you have no idea what im on about,


it was posted that the road tax stop being a tax of the road in 1930 and that it is now a tax for the use of and emission produced by said vehicle not for use on the road

so horse, bike, skateboarders whatever don't have to pay it as the produce no emissions, to which my reply was was a BTCC car doesn't pay tax yet produce @*!# loads of emissions, hence its not a tax of vehicle usage/emissions but is actually a road tax there for anything using it should pay,


Granted was tongue in cheek but everyone else go it


no no congratulations to you.... i cant believe we are having this conversation in all honesty! try reading the rules and my posts a bit more clearly.


VED is a tax that is levied as an excise and which must be paid for most types of vehicle which are to be used (or parked) on the public roads in the united kingdom and the rates of this VED is based on the emissions produced by said vehicle



key words.... for the hard of reading - used (or parked) on the public roads - VED is based on the emissions


your argument just doesnt work

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