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Fuse/short somewhere

Yella Fella

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Right, so all I've done is taken out the centre console for a respray as the seller from 2 years ago had a garish chrome flaking finish.


My car battery was completely flat as I've accidentally left the onboard camera on and that literally drained it. The LED side sills were disconnected and taped up at the time before the console was removed.


Upon charging the battery back up, everything is working fine apart from the following...


- Ceiling dome lights dont work, or even when door is open

- Indicator lights don't show as on in the dash, no indicator noise (work as normal outside)

- Headlamps and side lamps don't show as on as in the dash, no chime if car is off and door is open (work as normal outside)

- the mileage counter keeps resetting when ignition is off, as does the clock function in the triple gauge


Checked the majority of the fuses in the internal box and nothing has blown. Any ideas before I get charged a wad from Nissan?


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The reason I was asking about disconnecting the battery prior to charging it was that I believe that if you don't you can cause havoc with the electrics. Same can happen if you jumpstart a car.


I recently had a porsche boxster that had a load of electrical components blown out when the guy who was selling it to me jump started it in front of me :-)


If I remember correctly, I think there are also some fuses in a box in front of the battery.


I haven't got a fuse map handy but it would be worth checking which fuses relate to your problems and recheck them.

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