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Clucth making a wierd noise


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So you’ve put a bit of grease behind the dust cover on the operating cylinder. (Sounds like I know what I’m talking about eh :teeth:) I did the same thing on my Celica when there was a squeak coming from the clutch arm. Caused by the arm vibrating. My trusted Toyota mechanic said it was a quick solution to replacing the release bearing which I maintained they damaged on a test drive while I was a passenger. Noise wasn’t there before abs test. Noise was there after.


Anyway, if you haven’t done it already, get a buddy to listen from passenger seat while you drive and also while stationary. Then while stationary have him listen again with the hood up. If its coming from the clutch/release bearing/operating cylinder he should be able to hear it distinctly.


The z does make a lot of odd noises. Some really do sound sick. The two that I had were the slow creak sound from behind the peddle and what sounds like a boiling kettle when the clutch is released. It also reminded me of a cement mixer.


If its your bearing it should sound like a high pitched near constant squeak when the clutch is released.


Any help??



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Well when i had a look the weekend, my dad said it was coming from this part thats why welubricated/greased this piece up, its not a squeak, its like a creaking noise when releasing slowly, and when dipping the clutch there is a o so slight squeak !, will try get under neath it tommorow to grease up, thanks mate, any other idea's ?.


Just out of curoisty how much you reckon to get the release bearing re-placed ?



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I wouldn't like to guess. I know here in Ireland it cost me €700 to get a clutch fitted to my Celica which was front wheel drive.


If you really think it's the release bearing you should also replace the clutch and clutch plate at the same time or so I'm told. It would of course same money in the long run if you had to replace the clutch.


The release bearing does make a noise anyway and although replacing it might fix it it will return very quickly. Z's make noise.


Be sure it is coming from where you think it is. It sounds a lot like what I had on my 04 and I could clearly hear it in the cabin behind the peddle.

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  • 1 year later...
  M350ZB said:
mine has only just started, but was left in garage for two weeks while away, has anyone got any pics or anything to help !

Can't really take a picture of a creek Mark :lol:


Mine does it now and again, will have a look at the weekend to see what i can find :thumbs:

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  xStric9x said:
  M350ZB said:
mine has only just started, but was left in garage for two weeks while away, has anyone got any pics or anything to help !

Can't really take a picture of a creek Mark :lol:


Mine does it now and again, will have a look at the weekend to see what i can find :thumbs:


Thread was 2007 Mike - hoping M350ZB has sorted his problem out by now and can enlighten us mere mortals ;)

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Go back to page 2, and you will see a diagram,drawing under one of my threads, this is what i done bud, cleared it up :thumbs: , sorry i dont no how to copy the drawing to post up again :thumbs: , if ya get stuck (Wed Sep 05, 2007 12:45 pm)

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