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Rear spring mount mod carried out to level stock suspension


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The other day I was standing back and admiring my Zed when I thought the only thing that bugged me about it's look was the way the rear sat higher than the front, I'm happy (for now) with the height of the front with how it sits nice in the arch and I like the ride quality so I decided to modify the rear spring mount , I've carried out this mod before to other cars to achieve the look I've been going for and it's always worked great.


Also the best thing about this mod is it's free and only took me 15mins a side (with the use of air tools) by doing this mod you don't alter the ride quality in no way because all your doing is trimming the mount down which translates into dropping the ride height and it has no negative effects on any other suspension components as your not adjusting the rebound/stiffness.


Here's a few before and after pics:


Measurements before




After about 17mm drop




Gap between tyre arch before








Stand back pic before




After subtle but makes all the difference IMO




Here's the amount I removed off the top mount, I basically left the same amount of mount as what there is on the bottom spring mount about 5-6mm



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I've seen this done in the USA quite a lot, but not so much over here. I picked up a spare pair of shock mounts so I could try it myself after my Tein springs had settled. But to be honest, I'd forgotten all about them! :lol:


May still give this a go as I think I could still lose a few mm on the rear. I just need to remember where I put them... :doh:


Nice work :thumbs:

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  On 18/06/2014 at 22:27, ZEUS said:

I'd like to do this as the back end up in the air has always bugged me. Is it easy?


Fairly easy, yes. Especially with an air saw. PITA with just a hacksaw.


Was discussed a bit in my thread when I got my springs, including a link to a US thread. Looksee: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/67814-me-and-my-zed-thread-update-050514/page__st__40

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As 14N said it's very easy,


here's a quick and simple how too:


-Jack up the rear one side at a time is fine (use an axle stand to take the weight)

-Remove the wheel

-Place the jack under the spring cradle and take the weight a little

-Using a spanner and socket remove the 17mm nut and bolt from the hub end on the spring cradle

-lower the jack and move it out the way

-Push by hand down on the spring cradle

-Remove the spring

-Take the top spring mount and hacksaw off the desired amount (but leave at least 5mm as I have)

-Then put it all back together in revers order

It's that simple I was able to blast through it in 15mins a side as I had air nut guns and an air hacksaw which really sped things up but it shoukd take you between 30-40 mins a side with ease

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I know this looks nice but have you guys ask yourself what the effect of change the rake dies to the overall geometry, handling and braking of the car? Every action has a reaction so after doing this mod get at least you geometry checked and realigned.


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One step ahead of you there, I did a 4 wheel alignment check this morning at work I knew before I touched it it was spot on after having it done a few months ago before I bought it by Horsham developments, by dropping the rear 17mm it had moved the camber but it was still within an acceptable range (according to Autodata figures) although I adjusted it back to spot on and there was no effect on the toe that was still spot on.


So this mod if your geometry is good to start with it should still be within spec after.


To be fair dropping it 17mm is only like having the weekly shopping in the boot and carrying a passenger it's never going to change things that much it not like slamming it 80-100mm on coilovers

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If you have lots of time on your hands, chuck the rubber bits in the freezer for a bit to harden them up, it may (or may not!) make them easier to cut :)


Looks good, inventive too as I've never seen it mentioned here before :)

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Thanks, I only looked into doing this mod as I had carried it out in the past on other cars with great results and no draw backs.


Good thinking on the freezing idea although the only pain with cutting them is holding them because you can't secure them in a vice seeing as there rubber and there's nothing hard to grab onto so you have to just hold them by hand.

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