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Extreme Camber


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I've been bemused for a while and only just brought myself to ask. Mainly state side obv but wtf is it with the massive camber sh1t? Is it supposed to be aesthetically pleasing or does it have other benefits?

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Camber is used to adjust for the amount of tyre put down to the road on cornering, AIUI. That's why race cars run excessive camber, to maximise grip through the corner.


You need to strike a fine balance on road cars though, as you don't want to kill the tyres too quickly (aka 'do an Octet' ;) ). Extreme camber is purely for show, although much like many things that's very much subjective.

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Camber is used to adjust for the amount of tyre put down to the road on cornering, AIUI. That's why race cars run excessive camber, to maximise grip through the corner.


You need to strike a fine balance on road cars though, as you don't want to kill the tyres too quickly (aka 'do an Octet' ;) ). Extreme camber is purely for show, although much like many things that's very much subjective.


Or in this case cockjective for those that do it for 'fashion'?

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