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Good time for a new TV?


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My current Sony LCD set still works fine but it's getting on a bit now and I quite like those edge-lit sets that have a very thin bezel - been looking at the current Sony lineup, which seems to get good reviews e.g. (although I'd go for the 42 inch version)




I have also noticed that 'Ultra HD' sets are starting to appear, although they're silly money and I'm guessing it will be a while until there's any content to view, so I'd just be going for a more up to date full HD set if I do get one.


I'd be interested to know if anyone whose gone from an older HD set to a newer one has noticed much difference in picture quality (my current set is 40 inch full HD LCD - about six years old now), or would it be better to wait for things to develop more on the ultra HD front?


(I know there's the whole Plasma v LCD/LED debate, but I will probably stick with one of the latter).

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we got a new bravia HD about 18 months ago and compared to my buddies sony HD tv that he got when HD came around its unreal the difference but then his his LCD and mines LED

Edited by StevoD
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My Sony is about 5 years old, but the picture quality is still really good. New sets will probably be slightly better, but the sources haven't really improved over this same period, so not sure it is a worthwhile upgrade (Although, if I had the cash I probably would). I'd say it's way too early for Ultra HD. For me, it will only be worth upgrading once there is a Sky Sports Ultra package... but I think we are a few years off this yet.

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No surprise really as the only real advantage over CCFL backlit LCD's was the superior contrast... LED backlit sets (Which they all virtually are now) are very much on a par with plasmas in that respect, plus no worry about image burn (Although that was more of an issue with older plasmas).

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Plasmas are no longer being made.


They are, but no longer being sold in the UK market as apparently due to all the marketing people tend to opt for the mega thin bezel`d lcd/led sets regardless of whether the plasma has a "better" picture or not.


I upgraded my old 42" HD plasma last year for a new 50" one and the difference is amazing. Its amazing how much technology moves on. My new plasma weighs nothing compared to the old one, has a much smaller bezel, the picture quality is loads better. One thing I noticed though is that nearly all the new sets are 3D regardless of whether you want it or not. But its entirely up to you if you use 3D or not, personally ive not really bothered.


The main problem I found though is what starts of as "i`ll just upgrade the telly" ends up that you then upgrade your blu-ray player also as they are cheap enough, then you start looking at your AV AMP etc. then speakers and you end up spending a fortune. I ended up after spending about £800 on a new telly, forking out the same again on a new pioneer av amp and £250 on a new blu ray player. Have to say though that the difference HD Audio through the new amp makes over my old av amp is staggering, absolutely incredible. Well worth the ugrade.

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To be perfectly honest you'd be better off sticking with the TV you have.

The increase in quality will be negligible at best and certainly not worth forking out for if you don't have to.

If anything upgrade the audio, that's where you'll notice the bigger difference.


All the money you save not buying a TV will be better spent buying your beautiful zed a gift :thumbs:

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Tbh that's why I've still got my current TV: Sure, it's five years old, but the picture quality is still superb to my eyes (it's a Sammy 7 series 55"). I don't need all this smart TV rubbish, so I doubt I'd get much benefit if I wasn't increasing size.

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Tbh that's why I've still got my current TV: Sure, it's five years old, but the picture quality is still superb to my eyes (it's a Sammy 7 series 55"). I don't need all this smart TV rubbish, so I doubt I'd get much benefit if I wasn't increasing size.


Yep ! size is everything... ;)

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I saw one of these the other day at a home show . . . its the first TV I have seen in a long while that I thought . . wow B)




Tad pricey at the minute . . maybe in a year or two. :teeth:

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Thanks for all the replies - to be fair the quality on my current set is good, especially with high def content. I'm quite tempted to upgrade because I like the sets which have only minimal surrounds but that is probably not a sufficient reason to shell out if the consensus is that the picture quality will only be marginally better. :)

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Tbh that's why I've still got my current TV: Sure, it's five years old, but the picture quality is still superb to my eyes (it's a Sammy 7 series 55"). I don't need all this smart TV rubbish, so I doubt I'd get much benefit if I wasn't increasing size.


Same here. I've got Sky HD and a PS4 hooked up so no real interest in the smart TV aspects (or 3D, which doesn't really seem to have taken off).

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Tbh that's why I've still got my current TV: Sure, it's five years old, but the picture quality is still superb to my eyes (it's a Sammy 7 series 55"). I don't need all this smart TV rubbish, so I doubt I'd get much benefit if I wasn't increasing size.


Same here. I've got Sky HD and a PS4 hooked up so no real interest in the smart TV aspects (or 3D, which doesn't really seem to have taken off).


In all fairness you`ll struggle to get a set without having 3D built in these days. Mine has it, i didnt want it, and ive only tried it once to see if it worked.


I can see why some people like smart tv`s, but I do find it quite funny to be honest. Say for example i want to check on facebook. I can do this on my mobile phone, or on my laptop, or even turn the telly on and log in via the telly. Hell even my blu ray player has a facebook app so I could log in via that. But I mean... who honestly would think, "i know, i want to check facebook lets log in via my dvd player?!!!"

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My 50" Panasonic pz70 plasma is very old now, 6/7 years but still has a great image. I'm very tempted by a new one but waiting to see what happens with 4k.


Just checked and my tv has 11,500 hours on it. If I've had it 6 years that's quite alot of tv each day.

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Nice. A decent Zorst really completes the car.


Tbh that's why I've still got my current TV: Sure, it's five years old, but the picture quality is still superb to my eyes (it's a Sammy 7 series 55"). I don't need all this smart TV rubbish, so I doubt I'd get much benefit if I wasn't increasing size.


Same here. I've got Sky HD and a PS4 hooked up so no real interest in the smart TV aspects (or 3D, which doesn't really seem to have taken off).


In all fairness you`ll struggle to get a set without having 3D built in these days. Mine has it, i didnt want it, and ive only tried it once to see if it worked.


I can see why some people like smart tv`s, but I do find it quite funny to be honest. Say for example i want to check on facebook. I can do this on my mobile phone, or on my laptop, or even turn the telly on and log in via the telly. Hell even my blu ray player has a facebook app so I could log in via that. But I mean... who honestly would think, "i know, i want to check facebook lets log in via my dvd player?!!!"


I agree - seems to be a supposed selling point to add a load of apps that I bet most people rarely if ever use. I also read quite a lot of reviews on Amazon etc where people complain that they don't work properly. Key thing for me is picture quality and decent styling - something that looks good in the room on or off.

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I recently got an LG 55" LED upgrading from a 6year old Sony LCD.


The picture quality is leaps and bounds above the Sony which I though was superb and very adequate.


The 3d is a bit of a fad to be fair and we only ever use sky hd as a source except when putting a USB stick in the side rather than streaming.


That tv Grundy linked looks superb, a bit too good to be true if you know what I mean.


Oh and man always need new tech :)

Edited by Fodder
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I've got a Samsung 47" smart LCD,LED,OMG TV and it's got more pixels per square inch than your run of the mill TV. The picture is amazing. The movement of people is far clearer, smoother and crisper. It's like you're actually there! Annoying factors are: it can be voice operated which brings up a mic on screen which says " could you repeat that? to which the answer is mostly "sod off!" which is followed by " which channel?", or you can change channels by using your hand. Unfortunately the only way it picks your hand up is by giving a heil Hitler salute which really gets the neighbourhood gossip gravy train going.

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I've since discovered that Samsung are releasing a 40inch version of the 4K TV that was linked early in this thread. I hadn't appreciated that they are supposed to upscale high def content so that TV might be quite an interesting proposition for me, as I don't want anything bigger than 42 inches.

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Not with you on that one Ekona. The room we watch TV in is quite small and I prefer not to be too close to a large screen or have it dominate the room. When we win the lottery and buy the mansion I'll be going for the big ones :)

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Nope, still don't get it. I sit approx 9ft from a 55" screen, and I could easy go bigger. 65" would be great, but 70" even better.


No point having a HD TV if you're sitting too far from it to not notice the difference! :D

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