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Open Pit Lane Track Day, South England, *Need 30 People*


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Bedford is good fun.


Anglesey is the dream though.




  On 13/05/2014 at 11:23, Will370z said:

1. Grundy

2. Octet

3. Beb

4. Stevod Dependent on location/date

5. Bradders

6. Will370z, Ken and Brillomaster in the zed chasing BMW

7. Andy James

8. Keyser

9. Mouthwash - Depending on location

10. Daveyboy11

11. Suits





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well, in all the trackdays we've done with the beemer (about a dozen now) we've never seen anyone crash their car, either into another car or into a barrier. A few mechanical issues sure, but nothing to crumple bodywork, apart from the odd cone or two.


EDIT That's not to say it doesn't ever happen though! theres a post on here about a 350z that collided with the armco at Bedford, so if you're going to take your pride and joy on track, get some insurance!


generally very good etiquette on trackdays, you let people past if they're faster, and people let you past if you're faster. watch for brakes and tyre wear, but other than that its the most fun you can have in a car with your clothes on.

Edited by brillomaster
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I've seen a few accidents at the track days I've been on and I've only been on 4. An S2000 into the barrier at Oulton and a few the last time I was at Cadwell. A golf written off which damaged the Armco and closed the track for more than an hour, a kit car with broken rear suspension, an audi spun off with front bumper damage and an astra with a side impact which set the air bags off.

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I saw a GT2 come off bad at Eau Rouge (left side :wacko:), wrote it off I think, as well as a few others.


Saw a EP3 roll at Brands down Paddock Hill.


Happens loads, I take comfort from the fact thinking that these guys were just pushing toooo hard though.

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The thing is it's better to do it in someone else's car cos you don't give a sh#t what happens to it. I must admit I've never done a track day in my own car, but there is no way I would be driving it as fast.


But then again I do work on an aerodome :teeth:

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1. Grundy

2. Octet

3. Beb

4. Stevod Dependent on location/date

5. Bradders

6. Will370z, Ken and Brillomaster in the zed chasing BMW

7. Andy James

8. Keyser

9. Mouthwash - Depending on location

10. Daveyboy11

11. Tomb - date/location dependant

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1. Grundy

2. Octet

3. Beb

4. Stevod Dependent on location/date

5. Bradders

6. Will370z, Ken and Brillomaster in the zed chasing BMW

7. Andy James

8. Keyser

9. Mouthwash - Depending on location

10. Daveyboy11

11. Tomb - date/location dependant

12. Suits




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1. Grundy

2. Octet

3. Beb

4. Stevod Dependent on location/date

5. Bradders

6. Will370z, Ken and Brillomaster in the zed chasing BMW

7. Andy James

8. Keyser

9. Mouthwash - Depending on location

10. Daveyboy11

11. Tomb - date/location dependant

12. Suits





defo up for this always wanted to take he zed on track

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  On 13/05/2014 at 12:46, firemansim said:

The thing is it's better to do it in someone else's car cos you don't give a sh#t what happens to it. I must admit I've never done a track day in my own car, but there is no way I would be driving it as fast.


But then again I do work on an aerodome :teeth:


When you get there, all swap cars with each other. Sorted :D

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  On 13/05/2014 at 20:57, Will370z said:

Come on guys more numbers needed on this one :)

If I'm honest, the reason I've not put my name down is because I'm not a huge fan of session days, and to have a session full of cars with massively mixed experience kind of takes the point away from doing sessions in the first place.


If I read it wrong and actually it's an exclusive sessioned event then I apologise and I'm in, but if it's just an exclusive session at an event with other cars then I'm not convinced there's any point. We'd be better off just picking an open pit day and all signing up to that (like, say, Bedford on Aug 23rd).

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  On 13/05/2014 at 21:07, steve916 said:

When you get there, all swap cars with each other. Sorted :D

The group of friends I do trackdays with do that. Obviously you need a massive amount of trust, and knowledge that the other person picks up the tab if they bin it, but it works really well and gives a different flavour to the day. :)

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well most people are welcome to try the beemer out... as long as you can successfully get your own car round a track, you can probably handle the beemer.

Plus she's an old German girl and she likes being manhandled by anyone who'll have her ;) 6 people have taken the beemer out on track so far I think.

Edited by brillomaster
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  On 14/05/2014 at 06:49, Ekona said:
  On 13/05/2014 at 20:57, Will370z said:

Come on guys more numbers needed on this one :)

If I'm honest, the reason I've not put my name down is because I'm not a huge fan of session days, and to have a session full of cars with massively mixed experience kind of takes the point away from doing sessions in the first place.


If I read it wrong and actually it's an exclusive sessioned event then I apologise and I'm in, but if it's just an exclusive session at an event with other cars then I'm not convinced there's any point. We'd be better off just picking an open pit day and all signing up to that (like, say, Bedford on Aug 23rd).

Yeah I agree with that, it started off with me planning to go in July and seeing if anyone else wanted to come. Then Bradders mentioned he had a contact, now I'm assuming if we get a large number, we get an open pit lane to ourselfs?
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  On 14/05/2014 at 11:32, -Bradders- said:

We can do that mine was just a suggestion, if you'd seen my reply, the guy who works for MSV said if we can get 30+ we can have a Z exclusive track event. so it would be just the Zed's on the track.

Can you ask MSV what track/date we can have if we get 30+ please.
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Yeah man, sessions are lame, OP only.


It's the only way to get the best out of your self and your car I reckon.


Regular breaks too, only let it all absorb in and give yourself and the car a rest.



Also, If this happens at Bedford, I reckon we all rent out the Holiday Inn down the road;


1 - Because I live in Essex and the 5AM alarm call for sign on is crazy

2 - We can get on it

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