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B&Q follows Subway...

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Has this actually happened!? :rant: And by that I mean Subway not selling bacon? :lol:


Subway let franchise owners decide what they do and don't sell, the daily mail realised that this meant some stores could choose to only serve halal approved meats, ie, nothing pork based and started a witch hunt.


The thing is, it's been happening for a couple of years now, the one in Woking doesn't serve bacon, so I don't go there. Not because I don't agree with it, just that my sub of choice has bacon in it and I don't like the "turkey rasher" they offer instead.

Edited by AliveBoy
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Has this actually happened!? :rant: And by that I mean Subway not selling bacon? :lol:


Subway let franchise owners decide what they do and don't sell, the daily mail realised that this meant some stores could choose to only serve halal approved meats, ie, nothing pork based and started a witch hunt.


The thing is, it's been happening for a couple of years now, the one in Woking doesn't serve bacon, so I don't go there. Not because I don't agree with it, just that my sub of choice has bacon in it and I don't like the "turkey rasher" they offer instead.


Ah I see. I used to go to Subway a few times a week on my lunch break last year when I was at my other job but haven't been this year I don't think! So didn't know if it was a recent thing lol. I personally wouldn't bother with the "turkey rashers" either! I find it stupid how it can't be sold though, its not like you have to eat it, just order something else.

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Complete and utter madness if you have those kinds of beliefs don't go to places that sell the products that offend. Will the supermarkets follow suit, I hardly think so.



Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear

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Complete and utter madness if you have those kinds of beliefs don't go to places that sell the products that offend. Will the supermarkets follow suit, I hardly think so.



Sent from my Zed using Nangkang tyres front, RE040's rear


There's quite a large Muslim population in Woking, a lot of the staff at the supermarkets round here are Muslim students, they don't seem to have any issue serving pork products, or alcohol for that matter!

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Has this actually happened!? :rant: And by that I mean Subway not selling bacon? :lol:


Subway let franchise owners decide what they do and don't sell, the daily mail realised that this meant some stores could choose to only serve halal approved meats, ie, nothing pork based and started a witch hunt.


The thing is, it's been happening for a couple of years now, the one in Woking doesn't serve bacon, so I don't go there. Not because I don't agree with it, just that my sub of choice has bacon in it and I don't like the "turkey rasher" they offer instead.


You do realise that this is exactly the kind of calm, non alarmist and sensible response to a shop manager deciding what he/she does or doesn't want to sell in their own business, that is likely to land you squarely in the insufficiently-over-the-top-response-massive-anti-british-loony-leftie-guardianista group of humans?


If everyone else responded in this way to this style of 'news' story then where would we be? Just all getting along politely, with no artificially drummed up drama, shopping wherever we chose to as individuals? IS THAT THE WORLD YOU WANT US ALL TO LIVE IN?????



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whaaaat?!? thing I don't get, how is a pig different to a sheep or a cow, or a goat or a horse for that matter. if its got four legs and prances around in fields, its fair game to eat in my opinion!


that said, if Muslims are unwilling to eat tasty tasty delicious bacon, all the more for me! Mmmmmm bacon...

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Certain branches go halal for one reason- money. It's not about not offending us Muslims we don't get offended by what we can't eat we avoid it.


If somewhere has potentially more Muslim customers then going halal is gonna make you more money- simples. The first branch to go halal here brought in customers from all over Glasgow


The first halal KFC here had queues out the door for weeks they were rolling in cash as soon as they did. That place was dead before doing so


It's really not a conspiracy

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I think I'll demand that all the McDonald's in my area ban beef! Wonder if they'll do that for the Hindus???


That's not beef ;):stir:


I don't do McDonald's unless desperate and I love beef. Mmmmm... Steak!!!


I dont do McDonalds or Subway either unless desperate.........desperate meaning actually starving to death! :lol:

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This was posted in the joke section .it should be taken as such. Lol


Speaking of jokes, here's a joke story in a joke newspaper!




They're after our chicken pizzas now - AAAAAARRRRRGGGHHH!




Don't care if it's halal or not. We'll as long as it's stunned beforehand. The other way is just cruel. I just think removing a meat is stupid.

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