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Predicament... Cannot decide what to decide on.


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Ok, short and sweet, probably going to get many mixed views, but here goes...


There are 2 main contenders with an odd ball thrown in for good measure.... By this summer, i will either be the owner of a nice 350Z, R34 GTT OR another R33 GTR...


Yes, i am used to boost, but i've also had and enjoyed many N/A cars. I know what most of you are probably thinking, but it's not as simple as that.


I'm not an old man yet by a long way, i'm 30 but i do enjoy SOME refinement for long journeys - ie: steering wheel controls, cruise etc... Although not essential if the drive is enjoyable enough without them...


So, you see my quandary. I just don't know what to do. Far more Z's to choose from, obviously and for less money in both purchase and service + upkeep etc... It should be the obvious answer.... But R34... B):help:



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If you want refinement, get the 350Z. It's a much more modern car, with the benefits of the advancement in manufacturing and design.


If you want quick in a straight line, get the R34 with zorst and remap.

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Yeah, see an old friend of mine up north had an R34 GTT, he and it's previous owner spent around £4-5k under the bonnet inc some internals, zorst and map etc and he's also upgraded the suspension, rims and camber and it sticks to the road like crap to a rusty shovel... Awesome on the twisties... Not entirely sure what power it was pushing. Guessing around the 380 - 400bhp mark.


I also do a fair bit of mileage in a year and it would be a shame to stick those kind of digits onto a rare car. Also the cost of oil changes every 3k now i no longer have my workshop or anywhere nearby to do it myself... I'm guessing that by rambling on, just typing what is flowing through my mind, i'm answering my own question... But then in 48 hours or less, my mind could have changed again. I've never been so indecisive in my life! Honestly! Well, i don't think so anyway.

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Of course... IF my budget could stretch to a tubby or s/charged Z then my mind would be made up, but i won't have that kind of money and with the sale of my car as a deposit, i'll still need some finance, so a dealer or garage find might be my only option...


I'd have much preferred to buy private. But with my credit file dispute (long story) likely to be ongoing for months to come, i might not get a good enough finance deal in the form of a personal loan to make it an affordable option where as car finance works slightly differently, albeit i wouldn't want anything secured against the car, even though i've never defaulted or missed payments, it's my only mode of transport, so if i break my leg or am taken ill for a while and don't take out their worthless gap protection that isn't worth the paper it's written on, they'll come along and say "Sorry about your illness, pal. Where's ya keys?" and wave goodbye with a wry grin on their smug faces...


Not if, but WHEN my credit file is corrected and back to normal, this wouldn't be such a problem as i could afford to lend more to do the work myself, but currently it's not an option and i'm not waiting possibly another 6-8 months for the inevitable outcome, i want to be car shopping in the next 1-2 months max.

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If its between an older GTR & a newer GTT then then GTR wins everytime.


I have already had the please of 2 R33's (Gts-t and GTR), hence it not being a major contender... It's there in my head because i loved both very much, but i was also much younger then and what matters now, didn't so much back then... But i also like a lot of different Jap cars from both Nissan (mainly) and Toyota so i like to experience what i haven't had yet and learn about another breed of gorgeous engineering not yet owned by me.


I know that ultimately it'll come down to what is for sale at the right spec and price when i have the money in my hand to buy. But i probably will wind up with a Z and if i do, i don't think i'll be upset about that :)

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The problem with a R34 GTT is you'll spend most of the time looking at it and wishing it looked like the GTR.

You could put a GTR nose, wing, and skirts on it, bit you'd be lying to yourself and it's a waste of money in the end.


Having said that, I'd still have the GTT over the R33 GTR.

I'm at the point where I'm looking at replacements for the Z32 at the end of the year, and it's either going to be a C5 Corvette or a R34 GTT.

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Yeah, my thoughts are that i've had 2 R33's already and i know what they're about. As much as i love them, i want something that i haven't owned yet. I think with my current annual mileage too, i'd be better off with an N/A that isn't going to completely rape my pockets. That said, if i went for a tubby, it wouldn't be standard for long... If i could find a standard car to begin with... Watch this space!

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