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Better fix for Bose sub cutting out - replacing relay

Jimbo Mahoney

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Recently purchased a 2004 zed with the usual sub cutting out problem.


I've done the bodge fix of sticking a spacer to the top of the relay and also resoldered the pins just in case there was a dry joint.


I've yet to test thoroughly, but does anyone know of an equivalent relay to replace it with?


The thread here:




Gives what seems like a good part code, but when I go buy it, mouser want £12 shipping for a £2.50 part because it's coming from the US!


Had a quick look on maplin, but nothing similar I can see.


Alternative would be to buy 12 of them and sell them on with an extra £1 to cover my costs.


Any takers?



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I'd be interested in something like this....


I still have two 12's and an amp sat at home waiting to be put into the Z, but I hardly ever listen to the radio and so don't see the point of adding all that weight...


What would be nice though, is that when i do listen to the radio, it worked.

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  On 30/04/2014 at 12:25, cs2000 said:

The closest I could fine for sale in the UK is from Farnell.




Basically the same, but this relay has a slightly lower coil resistance by around 40 ohms. Maybe worth trying it anyway? I don't suffer from the problem...yet...


Awesome thanks!


Farnell have a minimum order of £20, so I've asked my work if they can add it to an upcoming order. I couldn't find another £19 worth of stuff I needed sadly.


Keep you posted...

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If you want to replace the relay you can use panasonic JS1-12v-F relay .It is slightly larger than the relay fitted but if you look carefully at the pcb it is drill and marked for both sizes there is a white box on the pcb .

please note the pcb is coated with a conformal coating that will need to be removed prior to soldering to allow a good connection useing this relay solved the problem .

you will of course need a soldering station or at very least a good soldering iron 35w to 50w should do it

you can source the relays for £2.70 with free post on ebay

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 30/04/2014 at 12:25, cs2000 said:

The closest I could fine for sale in the UK is from Farnell.




Basically the same, but this relay has a slightly lower coil resistance by around 40 ohms. Maybe worth trying it anyway? I don't suffer from the problem...yet...


Just soldered the new relay in and it's all working well - thanks again!

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Fantastic. Ive now cursed myself, seems the hot weather has caused mine to break. Past few weeks its turned off 3 times. Need to get one of those relays ordered now! haha.


EDIT: You can also buy these from Ebay currently from this link. 3x the cost of the item on Farnel, but if you don't meet their minimum order price of #20, the eBay link is cheaper anyway.





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