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Please vote for Wasso and his polishing skills.... (WINNER!!)


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  On 22/04/2014 at 18:48, Paddy78 said:

Come on guys, there must be 100's of people on this forum and only 50+ votes so far. If Ian loses to a VW door lock, then shame on you all! :)

Oi, I voted for the door lock!*






*I didn't vote for the lock

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It was their link page so they didn't choose to put the before shot on. I might have a word as they clearly won't appreciate the pain of these damn things.


Thanks guys for he recent votes :) :)


Busy this afternoon!!









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Boys, girls, ladies and gents, oh and car fanatics!!


I'm a winner of the Polishing Competition, in which I'll receive a new polishing machine and varying wheels and compounds.


I THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTING VOTES!! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


I finished 15 votes clear with 74, which was enough to clinch the prize. The prize will help to relieve some of the strain on my other polishing machines due to excess heat. So a 3rd machine will relieve the pressure and keep the flow of work at a maximum.


Here's their confirming mail below:



Hi Ian,


Thank you for entering our before & after competition, it gives me great pleasure to announce that you are our winner.


We appreciate the time and effort it has involved spending 20 + hours polishing what looks to be a manifold? To a very good high polish. If you could furnish us with some more pictures, if you have them of the polishing process and also with the finished piece in situ - preferably with a picture of you admiring your handy-work.


This will enable us to formally announce you as the winner via our promotions. If you could also send us your address where you would like your prize delivered, we will dispatch it in due course.


Once again, congratulations from all of us at Metal Polishing Supplies UK Ltd.


Best regards


John Fitzgerald


General Manager

Metal Polishing Supplies UK Ltd



Thanks again guys, your votes were greatly appreciated. :) :) :)

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Ha ha I knew the "Free Polishing" requests would come along.


Yes Paddy is dead right, I should have said actually and I do apologise matey. Paddy helped bump up the votes mid way through to the 350z community on FB, which earned some extra votes that's for sure.


In fact Paddy, let me know if there's anything that you'd like "touched up" - in fact, send me that strut brace you've got for sale and I'll give that a refresh for you. How's that, considering your sterling efforts and capturing the votes from across the water.

Edited by Wasso
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