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How to Blue-up your tailpipes!


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Burnt exhaust tips :)


OK so i got a new exhaust and there's always been one thing ive wanted to do, but could never be bothered to - burning the end of my exhaust to get that burnt blue look :teeth:


Really is very easy so thought i would share the info for anyone who wants to try it!


You will need - metal polish, a hot flame (blowtorch is best), and an exhaust made of Stainless Steel/Titanium


Its best to do this with the exhaust off the car, for obvious reasons


Everything you do here is completely reversible also, if you over burn, you can just polish it back


- pictures of the finish are really hard to take with a phone or any camera because of the lighting reflecting off only certain parts of the exhaust. Images appear to have the colours all over the place, but in the flesh it is one solid block of colour


First clean up the exhaust till super shiny with the polish


like this



be sure to clean off any remaining polish, then wash it off for good measure!


now the fun part, burn sh1t!


at first i used my hob, but then discovered that that sucked pretty damn hard



so i used this instead


here is it after about 30 seconds





here it is currently just need to go over it one more time to get it all blue


update - did it for a friend today, this is how it turned out



Its easy to do, but not easy to master. So here are some tips -

-there are different colours for different levels of heat oxidation

-it starts brassy :yuck:

-then golden brown :yuck:

-purple :)

-dark blue :)

-light blue

-silver :rant:

- apply baby oil to areas to be heated, this helps spread the heat so that you dont get spots of different colour

- apply the heat slowly, if you go red hot, its too far, it will go silver and you will have to polish it back and start again

-start with the flame horizontal to the edge, as if the flame is facing down the length of the exhaust piping

-be patient

-heat evenly, not in spots, or you will get spots of different colour hue

-i chose to stay at a purple hue because i thought it looks cool, you can do whatever you want!

- heat slowly with the flame around 10cm away. other wise you may end up heating it too much and you get silver, which believe me, is soul destroying when your polishing it back

-practice on a spoon :lol: seriously though. Cutlery makes for great practice. Also, JDM cutlery bro!



also i am not responsible for you melting your car / third degree burns


some additional links





Edited by Desey
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with practice you can get it perfect, as if it was done by the manufacturer.


i have a friend who used to make custom exhausts for longlife. He actually said thats how most companys and exhaust makers do it


obviously they have better equipment, but the principle is the same

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Nice one. :thumbs:




But if you don't want to use fire......have a look here.....it's seriously impressive ....and a bit easier to control by the look of it.




only works on titanium :angry:


Man they look awesome!! I'm defo giving this a try in the lead up to show season!! :)


Oh god you have given Matt ideas, house will be burnt down before you know it :p

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Did you see on the US thread a guy did this:


Just did it to my wedding band with Mountain Dew. lol






Yeah, I thought the Spork was more impressive!


Really cool, but not sure I'd want a titanium ring though. If a hospital ever need to remove it after an accident etc, you're rogered!

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Really cool, but not sure I'd want a titanium ring though. If a hospital ever need to remove it after an accident etc, you're rogered!


I had a tungsten ring for a fair while, I'll probably get a titanium one (maybe palladium) for the wedding band. It's pretty cool using a heavy metal, it never scratches (no matter how hard you abuse it) and it has a fantastic weight to it for such a small size.

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Really cool, but not sure I'd want a titanium ring though. If a hospital ever need to remove it after an accident etc, you're rogered!


I had a tungsten ring for a fair while, I'll probably get a titanium one (maybe palladium) for the wedding band. It's pretty cool using a heavy metal, it never scratches (no matter how hard you abuse it) and it has a fantastic weight to it for such a small size.


I had a ring made for my wedding in August, and although the guy I used will make rings in titanium I was advised against it for everyday usage. Most hospitals are unable to cut titanium, so if they need to remove it you may well be in for a long painful wait :lol:

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