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Favorite Movie Thread


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Some others to think about.


"North by North West" by Alfred Hitchcock, the scene in the auction room is pure genius


"The Good, The Bad and The Ugly", possibly the best ever final scene, except for possibly "For a few Dollars More"


"The Godfather" has nobody else mentioned this?


"Bonnie and Clyde" saw this at the pictures when it was first released.


"Erin Brockovitch" don't normally like Julia Roberts but this is a great film.


"Quatermass and The Pit" probably quite dated now though


and finally, "Robocop" just love the dark humour in this one.






I saw North by Northwest at the weekend along with another excellent Hitchcock Classic - The Wrong Man :)

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I can't think of any great actresses, if I'm honest. None I'd watch a film for just 'cos they're in it, unlike a Morgan Freeman or Jack Nicholson film.


Kate Blanchet is absolutely excellent in Blue Jasmine :)


This thread is making my brain boil. Every time I think of a film I really like it makes me think of another ten I want to include. For example, it's just occurred to me how much I like.....Back to the Future, Clerks, The Royal Tennenbaums, Deliverance, Evil Dead 2, The Old Dark House, Rec, Terminator 2, The Hunted, Last Samurai......Argh....

Edited by sipar69
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Find me another person who can do an Arnie role with the same mannerisms, character, line delivery etc.


There is none. It's like trying to find another Morgan Freeman, or Al Pacino: In the roles they played, there's no-one who could do the same job.

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Find me another person who can do an Arnie role with the same mannerisms, character, line delivery etc.


There is none. It's like trying to find another Morgan Freeman, or Al Pacino: In the roles they played, there's no-one who could do the same job.


Easy. I bring you, McBAIN!



Laughing time is over. :lol:

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Find me another person who can do an Arnie role with the same mannerisms, character, line delivery etc.


There is none. It's like trying to find another Morgan Freeman, or Al Pacino: In the roles they played, there's no-one who could do the same job.


But once there is they'll make millions!

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Find me another person who can do an Arnie role with the same mannerisms, character, line delivery etc.


There is none. It's like trying to find another Morgan Freeman, or Al Pacino: In the roles they played, there's no-one who could do the same job.


Er...........Charlie, the nurse from Casualty :lol:

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Surprised Steve McQueen hasn't come up, but then I am getting on a bit.


Bullitt, The Getaway, Thomas Crown Affair, Le Mans, Magnificent Seven, The Great Escape, Papillon,.....

Some great films there leonk.


One of my favourite films is Bullitt for that awesome car & the chase scenes. B)




Sometimes with films I just find that I forget how good some of them actually are until I re-watch them on DVD or suddenly catch half the film on TV. :)

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