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  Kuro said:
  GC350z said:
  toffeeman said:


Use it as a mobile phone holder!! :teeth:


Cant believe I never thought of that.


Either you guys have very thin mobiles, or you are adept in the use of the sledgehammer :D


6.9mm :teeth:


Will Nissan replace my phone if it falls into the stereo???

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  martinmac said:
  sl114 said:
Whats a tape? ;)



A thing that most of the best music was first released on :thumbs:




I though that was called a "large plate" (LP?) or someting like that... :p

but i can't see it fitting into that slot... my grandad had a few and they where a lot bigger than that slot...

probably twice as big as CDs but black... very ugly stuff...



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I've used mine, quite a few times!


Mate used to DJ and got quite a few of his mix tapes, especially after hours party ones, still get played. Plus some Brand New Heavies from years ago that I still play now & again.

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  Kuro said:
The Cassette player? :D


I've NEVER used mine, and for all I know it could be broken :)




Can you still buy audio books on cassette tapes? ;)


Use it for learning a language?


Then all your conversations will have a nice 1980's hissing behind them for authenticity! :teeth:

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  toffeeman said:
  Kuro said:
The Cassette player? :D


I've NEVER used mine, and for all I know it could be broken :)




Can you still buy audio books on cassette tapes? ;)


Use it as a mobile phone holder!! :teeth:


what do you do with the blue tooth then?



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