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A Motorcyclist with a Death Wish..!!


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Yeah saw this on the local news the other night. He apparently sent the footage in to let other bikers know of the dangers......


Right at the beginning he crossed two solid white lines to over take another bike, I remember saying to the other half why isn't he charged with dangerous driving. Later Cheshire police tweeted saying they were investigating.


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Like I said when I posted this clip on here a few days back, the guys an idiot.


  On 03/04/2014 at 07:56, Ekona said:

I'm not a rider so am not overly familiar with the handling traits of bikes and the physics involved, but did he not just have too quick an entry speed which caused him to understeer and drift across the lines? As opposed to a deliberate attempt to take the racing line.


Hands up, I didn't watch all the video so have no idea if he was doing that consistently or not.


As an experienced biker, i think this guy just was riding like a knob really. He was all over the shop throughout all of that clip, overtaking the other bikers and had little road riding common sense.


Initially I thought maybe he had come into that last bend too hard, saw the car, then panic`d. When that happens you have 2 options. Tip the bike in further, get your knee down and take the bend tighter, or panic and slam on the brakes - which causes the bike to immediately stand up, and you just go straight.... so straight off the road basically. Ive done this once before (just the once mind you) & seen friends do the same thing in the past. However, looking at that, he doesnt seem to be going that fast and the when he goes into the bend the bike isnt leaning over much at all. So he could have easily leaned over more, eased off the power and took the bend. He seemed to enter the bend with the mind set that he was going to straight line the corner like he was doing before in the video. I dont think he saw the car at all until the very last minute at which point he was already over the white lines. It looks like the car possibly brakes and the biker slammed his brakes on which stood the bike up and off the side of the cliff he goes.


What he should have done was to come in slow, keep tight to the inside line and once he can see the exit put the power on then, especially if he didnt know the road, or couldnt see far enough ahead to know what was around the bend.


  On 03/04/2014 at 08:19, mouthwash said:

The fact he got up and walked away from that is probably a testament to modern safety gear. I know he didn't hit the car but being thrown down a slope at that speed and not ending up half dead, I'm impressed.


Modern leathers are pretty awesome. Ive 3 sets of Dianese stuff and back in around 1999 I had a my worse crash which was a 120mph high side - which is where the back end of the bike looses grip completely, snakes and throws you off. I landed on the tarmac on my head/shoulders and somersaulted down the road, the bike somersaulted too, bounced off me and I ended up sliding for what seemed ages until the the friction slowed me down. The leathers have kevlar reinforcement in all the shoulder/elbows etc, and I could see where the leather had worn through to the kevlar which protected me. Likewise, I had a back protector in and I could see where something on the bike had pieced through my leathers and would have certainly got my spine had the back protector not stopped it. It certainly proved to me that whilst my set of leathers cost me £1000, it was worth it as the thought, technology & testing which had obviously gone into them worked. I walked away with just a bit of bruising and a written off bike. So for this guy, rolling down some soft grassy hill side, the leathers wouldnt even break a sweat.

Edited by rabbitstew
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