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Horse Dung!


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  On 03/04/2014 at 09:59, Husky said:

As for a riders right to be on the road; humans have had domesticated horses for approximately 6500 years, we have had motor cars for 128 years, and even 100 years ago they were still limited to 14mph! I think it's fair to say that horses were there first, and to remove them from the roads is akin to saying you can't walk your dog down the street.

Sorry, but that argument doesn't stack up. The world has massively changed in the last 100 years, and cars now massively outweigh horses in terms of what the roads are designed for. The transition period has long gone, and horses simply no longer belong on the vast majority of roads. Of course they still have the legal right to do so, and until that changes I'm firmly in the camp of giving them as much respect as possible as I do with all road users, but that doesn't mean that I think they belong there.


Horse sh*t may be good for plants, but that doesn't mean it belongs on the road. If a horse rider has to temporarily use a section of road to cross fields, then that's fair enough (much like the rights farmers in tractors enjoy with regards to licensing issues), but otherwise they simply shouldn't be there. A grass track is for a horse, an asphalt road is for a car.




For absolute clarity, anyone who uses the roads without respect for others deserves shooting. Be they horse rider, cyclist, or driver, if you can't respect others and use some common sense when around them then you shouldn't be allowed to use the road.

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As a biker, coming around a bend, and being faced with a steaming pile of horse crap in my path is usually a brown trouser moment, as if you are leaned over and hit that you`ll soon be sliding off down the road.


I really do not understand why horse owners have to deliberately let their horses crap all over the road. As a dog owner, when we go on long journeys, we make sure the dogs have had a good dump in our back garden first. We dont start off on our drive out with a dog bursting at the seams who then needs to take a dump half way through our trip. Why cant horse owners think "i know, im going to go for a ramble on public roads, lets get the hard hat on, the high vis and make sure the horse had unloaded its bowels before its journey". No... they sit there, feed it up till its bursting at the seams then go for a long leasurely plod out, making sure it dumps its cargo on the best corners for us bikers.

Edited by rabbitstew
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Hmmm and dinosaurs were on the planet way before horses and cars so if they come back they can use the roads, now we need to really worry about the carnivores as that's gonna be some toxic poo.


But if a diplodocus takes a dump on the road I can see that being a problem it may be good for a few thousand roses but the average car aint gonna drive over it :scare: But that was the complaint so it's maybe a good thing?


The good news for bikers like rabbitstew above is if you come round a corner and see that in the middle of the road a soft squidgy landing should be imminent - it will be a brown everything moment though.


So in summary - Bring back dinosaurs and let them use the roads the T Rex will eat all the horses and the poo is so large you will never drive over it.


Hope that solves the problem for everyone :)


Always trying to help I am :thumbs:



EDIT: They will prolly eat the cats and dogs as well so that solves another point raised :thumbs:

Edited by Keyser
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  On 03/04/2014 at 11:28, spursmaddave said:
  On 03/04/2014 at 11:28, Keyser said:
  On 03/04/2014 at 11:27, spursmaddave said:

Plenty of Dinosaurs on the roads..... some of them even drive Zeds :wheelchair:


Most are in Jags to be fair :p


Dinosaur would be too kind....


Fossil ?

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  On 03/04/2014 at 11:29, Keyser said:
  On 03/04/2014 at 11:28, spursmaddave said:
  On 03/04/2014 at 11:28, Keyser said:
  On 03/04/2014 at 11:27, spursmaddave said:

Plenty of Dinosaurs on the roads..... some of them even drive Zeds :wheelchair:


Most are in Jags to be fair :p


Dinosaur would be too kind....


Fossil ?


More accurate I reckon :lol:



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  On 03/04/2014 at 10:59, Ekona said:

Sorry, but that argument doesn't stack up. The world has massively changed in the last 100 years, and cars now massively outweigh horses in terms of what the roads are designed for. The transition period has long gone, and horses simply no longer belong on the vast majority of roads. Of course they still have the legal right to do so, and until that changes I'm firmly in the camp of giving them as much respect as possible as I do with all road users, but that doesn't mean that I think they belong there.


Horse sh*t may be good for plants, but that doesn't mean it belongs on the road. If a horse rider has to temporarily use a section of road to cross fields, then that's fair enough (much like the rights farmers in tractors enjoy with regards to licensing issues), but otherwise they simply shouldn't be there. A grass track is for a horse, an asphalt road is for a car.




For absolute clarity, anyone who uses the roads without respect for others deserves shooting. Be they horse rider, cyclist, or driver, if you can't respect others and use some common sense when around them then you shouldn't be allowed to use the road.


I do think there should be limits gradually implemented as it clearly isn't a safe or convenient situation. I'm just stating what the situation currently is and why.

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  On 03/04/2014 at 11:08, rabbitstew said:

As a biker, coming around a bend, and being faced with a steaming pile of horse crap in my path is usually a brown trouser moment, as if you are leaned over and hit that you`ll soon be sliding off down the road.


I really do not understand why horse owners have to deliberately let their horses crap all over the road. As a dog owner, when we go on long journeys, we make sure the dogs have had a good dump in our back garden first. We dont start off on our drive out with a dog bursting at the seams who then needs to take a dump half way through our trip. Why cant horse owners think "i know, im going to go for a ramble on public roads, lets get the hard hat on, the high vis and make sure the horse had unloaded its bowels before its journey". No... they sit there, feed it up till its bursting at the seams then go for a long leasurely plod out, making sure it dumps its cargo on the best corners for us bikers.


Obviously no experience of horses - nobody feeds their horse before exercise - and even if they have just gone in the stable/yard/manege - they are still likely to go when out and about :shrug:

And those of you singing the praises of horse sh*t for your roses - don't use it fresh - you should let it mature a bit otherwise there is too much nitrogen in it to actually do any good ;)

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  On 03/04/2014 at 14:26, stuarty said:

It's slippy stuff when wet! You could easily fall of your motorbike if you hit a big one!


Just as you 'could' every time you hit an oil or diesel spill - of which I am quite certain there are more of on the roads than there is horse sh!t

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  On 03/04/2014 at 18:24, Vik54 said:
  On 03/04/2014 at 14:26, stuarty said:

It's slippy stuff when wet! You could easily fall of your motorbike if you hit a big one!


Just as you 'could' every time you hit an oil or diesel spill - of which I am quite certain there are more of on the roads than there is horse sh!t

Yes but the later is avoidable!

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I'm not taking this subject too seriously but it is obvious some of you are.


I can understand why though for some, especially the bikers where horse dung may actually be a serious danger to their safety on the road at times and also those who feel it's a bit unfair that horse riders don't clean up after their horses.


I mean if a dog owner lets their dog crap in the street without cleaning it up they will get a £75 fine ~ if a horse owner let's their horse crap a 5 metre river down the road f**k all is done about it. Doesn't really seem fair to me. :shrug:


..and before any nag lovers start bleating on yes I've been around horses & actually ridden them etc etc. My cousins have a farm in Lincolnshire and I'm well aware of how horse's act. :yawn:

I'm also well aware of how some of the horse riders have, just like some cyclists & even some drivers an over exaggerated sense of entitlement to use the roads however they see fit with little or no regard for anyone else on it.



Locally though I have often seen some horse riders doing things right ~ they have people with high-vis jacket's in front of the riders and behind walking at least 50metres ahead/behind so that they give drivers ample warning of the horses in the road. A must when on country lanes/busy roads & when coming around blind bends. They ride in single file for the majority of the time. They also have a stable hand walking behind with a bucket and spade who will pick up the horse dung when the horse's drop it on the road.


^^ This is how it should be if horse riders have to use the public roads imo.

If not then they shouldn't be on the road & should use the fields as it's safer anyway plus better for the horses hooves.





Anyway, ... :lol: Just my 2 pence. :ninja:

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  On 03/04/2014 at 18:23, Vik54 said:
  On 03/04/2014 at 11:08, rabbitstew said:

As a biker, coming around a bend, and being faced with a steaming pile of horse crap in my path is usually a brown trouser moment, as if you are leaned over and hit that you`ll soon be sliding off down the road.


I really do not understand why horse owners have to deliberately let their horses crap all over the road. As a dog owner, when we go on long journeys, we make sure the dogs have had a good dump in our back garden first. We dont start off on our drive out with a dog bursting at the seams who then needs to take a dump half way through our trip. Why cant horse owners think "i know, im going to go for a ramble on public roads, lets get the hard hat on, the high vis and make sure the horse had unloaded its bowels before its journey". No... they sit there, feed it up till its bursting at the seams then go for a long leasurely plod out, making sure it dumps its cargo on the best corners for us bikers.


Obviously no experience of horses - nobody feeds their horse before exercise - and even if they have just gone in the stable/yard/manege - they are still likely to go when out and about :shrug:


Somehow knew you would disagree with me. :lol: So you dont feed the horse before exercise, so whats to stop you making sure it has had a dump before you go out. Maybe walk around the yard a few times before venturing out on the public road? Maybe fit one of those bags you see on changing of the guard where if they dump it goes in a big bag?

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  On 03/04/2014 at 19:38, GMballistic said:

I'm not taking this subject too seriously but it is obvious some of you are.


I can understand why though for some, especially the bikers where horse dung may actually be a serious danger to their safety on the road at times and also those who feel it's a bit unfair that horse riders don't clean up after their horses.


I mean if a dog owner lets their dog crap in the street without cleaning it up they will get a £75 fine ~ if a horse owner let's their horse crap a 5 metre river down the road f**k all is done about it. Doesn't really seem fair to me. :shrug:


..and before any nag lovers start bleating on yes I've been around horses & actually ridden them etc etc. My cousins have a farm in Lincolnshire and I'm well aware of how horse's act. :yawn:

I'm also well aware of how some of the horse riders have, just like some cyclists & even some drivers an over exaggerated sense of entitlement to use the roads however they see fit with little or no regard for anyone else on it.



Locally though I have often seen some horse riders doing things right ~ they have people with high-vis jacket's in front of the riders and behind walking at least 50metres ahead/behind so that they give drivers ample warning of the horses in the road. A must when on country lanes/busy roads & when coming around blind bends. They ride in single file for the majority of the time. They also have a stable hand walking behind with a bucket and spade who will pick up the horse dung when the horse's drop it on the road.


^^ This is how it should be if horse riders have to use the public roads imo.

If not then they shouldn't be on the road & should use the fields as it's safer anyway plus better for the horses hooves.





Anyway, ... :lol: Just my 2 pence. :ninja:


Blimey! What are you like when you ARE taking a subject seriously, ffs?

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When my dogs are running around the fields and through the woods they are quite partial to chow down on a nice pile of horse sh*te when they come across it .......


The next time they crap after eating said sh*t .......


Is this technically still horse sh*t as thats what it's made of?


If they was to do the next crap on the pavement would I be entitled to leave it there given the fact that it's just recycled horse sh*te ......

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  On 03/04/2014 at 20:47, Tigerzed said:

When my dogs are running around the fields and through the woods they are quite partial to chow down on a nice pile of horse sh*te when they come across it .......


The next time they crap after eating said sh*t .......


Is this technically still horse sh*t as thats what it's made of?


If they was to do the next crap on the pavement would I be entitled to leave it there given the fact that it's just recycled horse sh*te ......


'fraid not...dogs are still carnivores so their sh1te is still obnoxious disease-ridded crap

Like if we were to eat rose petals all day we'd still crap obnoxious sh1te

If your a herbivore...... then thats a different story............methinks!

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Foxes are known to chow down on dog crap. Much of modern dog food goes straight through the gut and some nutrients are readily recovered second time around. Most dogs are not that disease riddled either with the advent of good wormers, stronghold, advocate, vaccinations and the like.


On a slightly different slant, in the middle ages, nobility in some (now) eastern european country used to eat certain hallucinogenic mushrooms, take a p1ss and then the next layer of society could drink said p1ss and partake in the same or similar trips. This apparently worked for about 3 or more p1ss cycles and society layers. I read this in a fungi book. Very nasty things some fungi.

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  On 03/04/2014 at 21:05, 350zedd said:
  On 03/04/2014 at 20:47, Tigerzed said:

When my dogs are running around the fields and through the woods they are quite partial to chow down on a nice pile of horse sh*te when they come across it .......


The next time they crap after eating said sh*t .......


Is this technically still horse sh*t as thats what it's made of?


If they was to do the next crap on the pavement would I be entitled to leave it there given the fact that it's just recycled horse sh*te ......


'fraid not...dogs are still carnivores so their sh1te is still obnoxious disease-ridded crap

Like if we were to eat rose petals all day we'd still crap obnoxious sh1te

If your a herbivore...... then thats a different story............methinks!


Thanks for clearing that up for me ;)

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I started this thread because I came home to a couple of police horses walking down my street. I waved to the two pretty lady police officers on the horses and they ignored me!

If they had waved back or even blown me a kiss then horse sh*t on my street would have been cool!

Edited by stuarty
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