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I need some Job Advice


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As you all probably know im a project manager at MTV UK Digital and have been working at MTV practically my whole life. Its like a second home to me and i am very loyal to the place even though its not doing that well right now. I have been made permanent a month and a half ago and im still waiting for the pay rise to be agreed but it is on the cards.


My situation is the following...


I am working here in a job that i love, i am getting more experience and knowledge, however i feel like the job isnt really pushing me anymore as its just day to day projects that i pass over and oversee. There are only a few interesting projects on the horizon with re-doing the whole website which will involve a lot of work for me, however there is still discussion that this will all come from MTV US.


The second scenario is that one of the top guys in BT Vision has emailed me (he used to work for MTV) asking if i would be interested in a product managers role. This will be to coordinate all the delivery/receiving and setup of digital delivery workflow for everyone to use. I will also project manage the whole project from start to end as they are still currently using tape (stupid i know). its slightly more money, 15-30% guaranteed bonus at the end of the year, very good benefits and £500 a month car allowance. I know this will challenge me but i feel it may be just that bit too senior, however the guy i know there is confident i can do the job.


The third is working for a film/broadcast company in london as an operations manager. Its again more money, working with old MTV people that i used to work with, has a lot more prospects and lines of promotion. Its going back to broadcast and merging with digital which is what i want to be doing. it also touches on the production side of things which i also find interesting.


As the 2nd and 3rd options have come from people i know, its pretty much secured that i will be getting any of these jobs and having spoken to them, they both sound amazing but i just cant seem to make my mind up for what i want to do. I am always very loyal to who i work for and feel bad that i am even considering moving from MTV as i know i can work my way up, but these jobs are a big step up already, which i think its about time i did something like this. The other thing is that i will be on a probation period for 6 months and as i will be buying a house, can i risk moving into a job so soon and if the role is not successful or it is not needed then, i could potentially be out of work.


Eeek what do you guys think?

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Interesting dilema - everyone wants a piece of SL! Reading your post I recall you being made permanent and you were dead chuffed, now you're not so keen. I guess you've done a lot of soul searching and are sure about your feelings.


It seems like Option 3 would be the way to go as it continues (and develops) your areas of interest. I get the impression BT, although developing a new skill, would not be as exciting for you. The "Senior" part of BT shouldn't worry you - you gotta step up to the plate at some point (I was made a board director at 24 which seemed scary but I knew it was justified) but I get the impression you'd only really go for BT b'cs of the ££ and benefits, not job satisfaction.


I count job satisfaction as a high priority - I left LA to come back to England b'cos I didn't like my job in LA! With this rain I do sometimes question myself though :blush::blush:


My vote is for Option 3. Good luck in whatever you choose.

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option 2.


with the extra senior role, extra money and great benefits, if you are not then happy down the line, you can always look for something else, even a sideways step and still retain the salary level and push for the benefits to your potential new employer anyway.


I would highly suggest get both options in the bag first though, then choose with the 2 contracts in your hands ;)


PS time to move on methinks, as long as it's a step up and not down.

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Good advice there Jonathan, thanks.


I was just made permanent and yes i am still very happy for that however with more opportunities coming up i am not sure this is the best place for me.


I have also just been told that the BT one is £15k more salary each year, which is a lot of money, but you are right, will i get bored there as it isnt really something that i want to be doing. On another note, you never know unless you try

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Thanks Val, my Uncle also works for BT and there are loads of opportunities throughout the business and they really look after their employees.


You are right though, i could always make sure i have both contracts and then play them off each other, but carefully as i dont want to shoot myself in the foot.


Also maybe it is time to move on as they are both more senior roles, both have more prospects as they are managing a team (which i currently dont do) and both are more money.

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You could have more difficulty getting a mortgage until you are made permanent but there's probably way's around that.


As for BT looking after people, don't be too sure, they have changed a lot in recent years. One of my sisters is a senior manager at BT and hates it and the way they treat staff although that will vary in different areas of the company! Just keep your options open.

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I can empathise with you, follow what you heart says and what suits you.


Just remember, with big money normally means big decisions. Ask yourself the question are you the sort of person that can make big decisions and ultimately do you want the responsibility...

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I can empathise with you, follow what you heart says and what suits you.


Just remember, with big money normally means big decisions. Ask yourself the question are you the sort of person that can make big decisions and ultimately do you want the responsibility...

Did you write spiderman? :lol:


I know what you mean though mate, i am already making big decisions at MTV so i have no worries with that.


I think i need a weekend to think about it

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