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Trade in


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Recently went to a garage to see about trading in the zed,they were very wary of taking it at all and tried to get a Nissan dealership in the group to underwrite it,they wouldnt take it at all saying it could bite them back due to clutch and flywheel problems for which the model is known apparantly.How often does this problem arise?.The car is a 57plate with 23k and in very good condition.

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It's a pity that some garages can't treat us like grown ups. It's fine by me if a they don't want to buy a certain type of car...they could just say it's not for us or it's not our market or whatever but why it's necessary to invent odd reasons to do so is beyond me.


Recently had various builders round to give quotes. 2 of them went through all the motions of pretending (quite well) to be interested then didn't bother to send in quotes or make any further contact. People who know these things said "it means they don't want the job". Why not just say... thanks but no thanks...or we are too busy or it's not the sort of job we want or whatever. I won't curl up in the foetal position and cry uncontrollably if I am told the truth.

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