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be a greenie... kill a cow and drive your zed full throttle.


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I was reading about cows, global warming, and contributions to the green house effects... and cows are greater culprits than all transport (including planes put together)

"Perhaps the report's most striking finding is that the livestock sector accounts for 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions – more than transport, which emits 13.5%."

(from http://environment.newscientist.com/cha ... reats.html)


Methane is probably the biggest greenhouse gas problem with livestock. As a greenhouse gas, methane is about 21 times more potent than carbon dioxide by weight.


So... kill a farting burping cow/pig etc... and drive your zed happy in the knowledge that you are carbon NEUTRAL , so to speak...

Then ask Gordon Brown if he'll reduce the road tax... :p

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You knows its a load of @*!# when they are blaming products of the earthly cycle (cows) for causing global warming. . . . . .


its ridiculous reaserach like this that leads me to believe its all overblown tripe. . .



Evey single reporting on Global Warming is not coming from a place of genuine concern but one of attention grabbing, newpaper selling, dramasisation.


Someone show me the truth. . . this vid does well to try and do that


eveyone should watch http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... 9933351566



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