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Question about Berk High Flow Cats - Noise/loudness?


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Hey guys,..


I recently installed my Invidia gemini Dual exhaust cat-back system.. and love it. It's quite loud at low rpms -- From 1000-2900rpm -- Then it becomes about 3-4 times quieter (not sure why.. but that's the way it seems to run.)


I want to do one more mod before I bring my car in for a Tune.. and I've decided on putting Berk HFC's in there (and just leaving the factory headers based on what I've read.)


My question is (and I've searched and read for a while about this.. but wanted your recent opinions if you don't mind) --


How much louder will adding Berk HFC's to my 2008 350Z that already has the Invidia Gemini Dual Cat-Back Exhaust make my Exhaust?


I'm very happy with the noise level I have now.. and between the 1000-2900 rpm it's actually quite loud in the cabin and you have to speak up to talk to someone.. but it's a very deep smooth sound.


Now.. I can handle a TAD louder.. no big deal, probably will like it. I am just about to buy these Berk HFC's today and don't want them to like double the loudness of my exhaust.


While I know it's hard to put into words how loud something is, -- But about what can I generally expect from adding the Berk HFC's on my already modified exhaust setup?


Appreciate your opinions, advice.

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Can't really say how much louder it's going to be but it will obviously be a bit louder than the set up you have now.


I'm running the Invidia with Berks HFC's on my 03 Zed and it's a good noise level I think. Not too loud but a very nice noise when you put your foot down or hold it in gear at higher rpms. B)


Tbh I doubt you'll regret it if you do add the Berks to your current set up. :thumbs:

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  On 20/02/2014 at 00:21, GMballistic said:

Can't really say how much louder it's going to be but it will obviously be a bit louder than the set up you have now.


I'm running the Invidia with Berks HFC's on my 03 Zed and it's a good noise level I think. Not too loud but a very nice noise when you put your foot down or hold it in gear at higher rpms. B)


Tbh I doubt you'll regret it if you do add the Berks to your current set up. :thumbs:


I'm literally negotiating with a Vendor now for the best price on the Berks.. and about to press the button to buy them. So it's do or die! Anyone else here to comment on the noise?


Cause you guys are familiar with the Invidia gemini -- and it's fairly loud Inside the car between 1000-3000 rpm -- I know this can't just be MY car.. It's that REALLY deep tone it has.. then right at 2900-3000rpm+ the noise almost goes away to nothing... Be nice if the Berks' didn't increase that low 1000-3000rpm (which IS a drone.. )but made the 3000-7500rpm increase. That's where it needs to increase some.


I'm about 99% sure I'm going to buy the Berks tonight or tomorrow.. Just trying to get a little input on noise levels before I do.

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I'm having high flow cats added to my 370 on Friday. My understanding is that the overall noise difference will not be huge and will be more noticeable above 3000 rpm.


I was trying to find a video for you on You tube made by a guy with a blue 370 in the US which gives a good demonstration of the sound with an Invidia Gemini before and after adding Berks, but I can't find it now. I know you're talking about a 350 but I'm guessing the difference will be similar.


Hope the install goes well :)

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  On 20/02/2014 at 04:06, sipar69 said:

I'm having high flow cats added to my 370 on Friday. My understanding is that the overall noise difference will not be huge and will be more noticeable above 3000 rpm.


I was trying to find a video for you on You tube made by a guy with a blue 370 in the US which gives a good demonstration of the sound with an Invidia Gemini before and after adding Berks, but I can't find it now. I know you're talking about a 350 but I'm guessing the difference will be similar.


Hope the install goes well :)


How much are you paying JUST for the install of the High flow cats? That's my next question.. I'm about 20/80 on Installing myself/Having shop install due to bolt locations. I figure this install will be about 1.5-2 hours shop time at the most.. but I just don't know.


I like that you said it's more noticeable above 3000rpms -- If that's the case it would balance out the exhaust.. Because whether people notice it or not.. With the Invidia Gemini exhausts on the Zed.. With my decibel meter the 1000-2900 rpm range is 7dB's louder than 3000 and up. (That's over near 2x as loud!).. And there IS a drone.. but It's a "nice" drone.. it's louder than expected,.. you can't say it doesn't make you speak up between 1500-2900rpm with the gas on (you let gas off and exhaust is silent with most any exhaust).. But, that's fine.. I like it. Any louder and I wouldn't.


So if it did not increase the 0-2900rpm noise.. and did increase the 3k-max rpm by even 1-2 dB's (3dB's is twice as loud..) that'd be just about perfect.


I hear people say they have testpipes and exhaust systems and can cruise down the highway and not have to raise their voice at all.. I say BS! lol.. the Invidia Gemini is one of the quietest exhausts for the Z.. and at highway cruising speeds you are right in that 2-3k zone (due to this car being a 6 speed) whether you are going 50-60-70-80mph.. (as you hit 80+ I imagine it gets past it.. I don't have higher speeds and rpms memorized , yet ;) ).


Anyways.. I'm going to go through with it. I'm buying now!


Now what is install cost going to be.. man oh man.. hrmm.

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  On 20/02/2014 at 04:06, DoogyRev said:

If I still had a Zed . . . it would have berks on it . . . . and perhaps one driving it :yahoo:


Enough said :lol:


Aww.. it makes me sad when people are on Zed forums and don't have their Z anymore. You sell it? Crash it? Drive a Ferrrari now? What's the deal? :D

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Just because when I do things I do them VERY quick (this exhaust could be on in 2 days (and only that long because of shipping time).. So,.. few questions to repeat and add.


1) How much louder (in your own words) will adding Berk HFC's make my 2008 350Z with Invidia Gemini exhaust already on it?


2) How many hours does it take to install HFC's yourself? -- And How many hours does it take (low end and high end) for a shop/mechanic to install them?


I was going to add more.. but I'll start another thread for those questions.


Thanks guys! and ladies (not sure who is female here with the avatars lol)-- not insinuating any in this thread is or isn't a female. :D

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Oh -- And this is what has me really questioning the Sound difference (loudness) after installing Berks.


This person has some other Catback on the car in video one (no idea what it is.. don't particularly like it..) -- But DID install Berk HFC's in video two.. and the exhaust is 2-3 times louder in video two after the Berks! I can't have that! lol..


And it sounds raspy.. this isn't representative of Berks on my invidia gemini is it?


Video one (before with a perf. catback exhaust of unknown make):


Video Two (After Berk HFC install):

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  On 20/02/2014 at 04:51, DoogyRev said:

I sold it along with most of my possessions to move to a land far afar away,


. . . al land with no decent sausages, bacon, marmite, . . . but a land full of V8's and mountains as far as the eye can see. Not all bad :teeth:


Ah, good reason! Not sure if that's Canada, America, Aussie.. or elsewhere.. But for cash to better your life.. hell ya! ;)

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  On 20/02/2014 at 04:57, Chromatic said:
  On 20/02/2014 at 04:51, DoogyRev said:

I sold it along with most of my possessions to move to a land far afar away,


. . . al land with no decent sausages, bacon, marmite, . . . but a land full of V8's and mountains as far as the eye can see. Not all bad :teeth:


Ah, good reason! Not sure if that's Canada, America, Aussie.. or elsewhere.. But for cash to better your life.. hell ya! ;)


BC, Canada . . . B)

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I think the install shouldn't take a pro much more than an hour.


In answer to your question, I'm paying £570 for the cats and the install. However, the cats are not Berks. They're newly developed by Cobra and I believe I'm the first UK customer. I'm having them installed by Abbey Motorsport.


Just remember that if you don't like em you can return to stock and sell them very easily on here.

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  On 20/02/2014 at 04:54, Chromatic said:

Oh -- And this is what has me really questioning the Sound difference (loudness) after installing Berks.


This person has some other Catback on the car in video one (no idea what it is.. don't particularly like it..) -- But DID install Berk HFC's in video two.. and the exhaust is 2-3 times louder in video two after the Berks! I can't have that! lol..


And it sounds raspy.. this isn't representative of Berks on my invidia gemini is it?


Video one (before with a perf. catback exhaust of unknown make):


Video Two (After Berk HFC install):

Berks do tend to be raspy and it's a bit of a Marmite thing, as far as I can gather the level of rasp depends on the exhaust you are adding them to, a true dual cat back may increase the rasp slightly but as Sipar has said you shouldn't have any trouble selling Berks here if you they are not for you. Changing anything on your exhaust yourself can be a complete ball ache, a lot will depend on how badly the original bolts are corroded, personally I wouldn't bother, get it into a local friendly mechanic/tyre place who has a ramp. Hope it all works out for you. :)
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Thanks for the replies..


Bottom line is no one can really put into words (here or elsewhere) how much louder the Cats will make my system.. And I understand that.


The last response I got (from a PM elsewhere) was that the Berk's will make it A LOT louder.. So, I just said, screw it.. lol.. I'm going to buy them now.. put them on and we'll just see!


I went with Berk's because it's like everything else.. No one has anything bad to say about them.. they are well made,.. (price also points to that lol).. they are popular.. And from the "majority" -- Berk HFC's with my Invidia Gemini Exhaust will *not* be Raspy.. And not obnoxiously loud.


Now, I could be reading reports from a ton of owners in denial hahah.. But,.. this is what I ultimately hope happens.


Shop puts on Berk HFC's in an hour (so lower cost install $65-$100 ) and The Berk's increase the "noise" from 3k-top end.. while the already quite loud idle to 3k zone remains roughly the same. That would be the ideal outcome.


Because, frankly.. This Invidia Gemini setup needs some help in the noise department from 3k+ (Not sure why no one else mentioned this in the past) - Maybe outside the car it sounds louder than inside at this range.).


But.. I got the best deal I could (I haggle like hell lol).. Got an already good Vendor in the US down to $440 Shipped from the Factory to me in the SouthEast US. There isn't another price in the US that comes close to matching that for a new Berk HFC system. So I feel good about price.


I'm dangerously close to the Cutoff time for him to get shipped out (it's 3PM CST cutoff) -- And I sent the money at 2:35pm CST.. So they may ship today, or tomorrow.. Not a big deal either way.. as it's Thursday and They wouldn't get here till Monday regardless.. So I expect them Monday.. and next week you better believe I will be getting them installed in a hurry.


I found another guy who is further away who is $65 an hour.. Which is $30 cheaper than the guys I've been using.. so Even if it's 2 hours with this guy.. It's not too bad.


I do expect since I've pretty much done the ENTIRE exhaust on this car.. it's going to be too loud for resell.. Maybe not? But I've kept my old exhaust, have it packed away safely.. and will keep these cats as well. I know I can recoup a little cost/expense by selling my factory stuff.. but it's just not worth it to me.. I want that option to restore things like this to Stock in the future for whatever reason (you never know).


I think my Vendor in the States can't be beat (in the States).. unless you get them for cost from a friend who is a vendor.. $440 For New Berks from Factory (including shipping) is a nice price ya?


Out of curiosity.. let's just pretend the Berks make my exhaust just WAY too loud in the Cabin.. (I already have it sound deadened for my stereo system.. but didn't do the hatch area.. so I'll be doing some of that in the future.. ) -- But, if it's just WAY loud.. Is there anything relatively simple you can buy, or an exhaust shop can do to tone down the noise ever so slightly without screwing up the tone?


I'm thinking some sort of weld-in Resonator(s).. but maybe there's something even easier.


I'm rambling.. and excited about the HFC's.. as it's my final major power adder before the Tune (although I need to replenish my Bank account before that haha).. I'm sure I will be happy with the sound.


Berks do tend to be raspy and it's a bit of a Marmite thing



Ya? I specifically hunted down and asked everyone , everywhere.. "What are the best sounding, least Rasp inducing HFC's?" - - EVERY single response was Berk HFC's! Not doubting you lol.. but while I'm getting the impression any opening of the Cat's (testpipes, HFC's, etc) is going to introduce a hint of rasp somewhere.. that the Berk HFC's are designed to be the LEAST Rasp inducing of the lot (That are well tested and popular).


I *ALMOST* bought MotorDyne ART Testpipes.. but you know what really put me off ? The Smell that I hear they would have created.. Noise is one thing,.. having a significant smell that seeps into your clothing from driving your car won't work (not when I *sometimes* have some business clients to see lol).. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong.. Even the super well designed MotorDyne ART Testpipes would have been WAY louder than these Berk HFC's,.. yes?


Take care,

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Motordyne art pipes would be as quiet if not quieter than hfc's. Mine are awesome and they dont make me stink :lol:


Also I can happily cruise on the motorway at 60+mph and barely hear the exhaust. Literally like its not even there


My setup is


Dc sports ceramic headers

Motordyne ART pipes

Motordyne xyz pipe with resonator

Cobra resonated mid and rear box

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TL;DR - At Bottom of post.


  On 20/02/2014 at 22:37, Arran said:

Motordyne art pipes would be as quiet if not quieter than hfc's. Mine are awesome and they dont make me stink :lol:


Also I can happily cruise on the motorway at 60+mph and barely hear the exhaust. Literally like its not even there


My setup is


Dc sports ceramic headers

Motordyne ART pipes

Motordyne xyz pipe with resonator

Cobra resonated mid and rear box


It depends on your setup frankly. ART pipes have the Helmholtz resonators on each one.. Which is a great step forward to reduce rasp -- But everyone has a tiny bit of Rasp if they open up their Cats with ANYTHING. Now, this isn't a bad thing, and anyone who says they don't.. well.. I'd like to hear the exhaust revved to max several times over.. high RPM downshifts etc. This isn't your typical what you think of when you think of a "raspy exhaust".. it's just the slight burble for a split second,.. or other such sound(s) that eminate that aren't a smooth X Hz to Y Hz back down to X Hz. Cheap or just badly designed Catback exhausts have rasp..


A big thing is the combination you put together.. not enough people think about this when they start adding stuff.. and most are like me and add one thing at a time.. Certain catbacks go with certain HFC's and/or Testpipes very , very well with hardly noticeable rasp (hardly noticeable rasp = a GOOD sound.. what you want.. a touch of rasp is sexy.. tons of rasp sounds like a Racecar).


Invidia Gemini's + Berk HFC's is a proven combo for sound (and performance) -- As the Gemini first takes the piping and increases, then it removes the Y-pipe to Single pipe to muffler from stock setup to a Muffler to TWO individual pipes to Cats for the "true dual" higher flowing exhaust -- The Invidia Gemini also added in a joint for the two pipes (commonly called an "X-pipe") not just for the heck of it.. but it improves the sound if placed properly and has flow characteristics as well. ART pipes don't go poorly with the Gemini -- but I've talked to at least two dozen people with ART pipes and they "mostly" DO cause an odor.


This is not avoidable. ANYTIME you 100% remove your Conversion of Carbon Monoxide, Hydrocarbons and Nitrogen Oxides via Catalytic metals (Rhodium, Palladium, even Gold in some cases) these go unchanged.. Further you have the stoichiometricpoint which is roughly 14.7:1 -- Our cars generally don't run from Idle to Max RPM in all temps, conditions, etc at the stoichiometric perfect point..thus we get unburnt fuel and such gases/vapors in our exhaust.The point is.. And exhaust system is NOT Air/Water tight.. the better your seals, the more you can reduce the odors.. but they will inevitably be present in some amount. This is going to be MOST evident at a stop, at idle.. when the flow of air is at a stand still around the exhaust system. A Tuner who knows what he is doing will adjust the Air/Fuel ratios to all but eliminate the "smell".. but just because you don't smell it doesn't mean it isn't happening.. It's not a rotten egg smell.. it's a smell, frankly, I like (I like the smell of petrol .. go figure).. But what you do or DON'T smell is going to seep into your clothing if you are in your vehicle for any stretch.


I would challenge you to take your car on a 4 hour drive in a Suit for work.. get out and have others smell it.. Odds are it will have some odor. Now, I'm not Doubting you.. I bet you don't smell a thing.. And, in all odds your combination is VERY well done, very well sealed.. and doesn't produce any noticeable odor even at idle. I would even go so far to say that on normal commutes your clothes don't even have a hint of unburnt fuel, VOR's,.. etc.. So well done !

You also have a great system combination (you obviously thought this out!) -- The headers I don't ever intend on changing as the power just isn't there in a Naturally aspirated car -- Nissan did well with the factory headers, and moreover aftermarket headers .. 90% of the time are NOT as resilient as the Stock headers.

Maybe your car is FI? -- Or maybe you just wanted the whole system done.. and I thought about it myself. .



.Beyond that.. You are ART Pipes with the XYZ pipe + Resonator.. and Cobra Mid and Rear boxes (resonated as well)

So adding that up,.. Your exhaust system has , ART Pipe HelmHoltz Resonator (1) -- Second ART pipe Helmholtz Resonator (2) -- XYZ so Resonator (3), + Cobra Mid/Rear (Resonator (4) and (5)) -- That's 5 specifically tuned Resonator chambers in your setup ! Your exhaust should be as RASP free as is humanely possible with test pipes :D Well done sir!


I'm not familiar with using a Cobra with the XYZ. When I think of XYZ I think of this:




Which is similar to the Dual header to Single pipe back split to two pipes like Stock (non true dual) (But efficient for stock). But the number of resonator logic still applies :


So is your setup the Y pipe, back to your Cobra system? For a Dual to Single pipe to Dual again.


That was a long winded way to explain the differences.. and that I'm not "wrong" -- but neither are you :D


But basically as my Tuner put it:

The smell people are talking about when the cats have been removed is the exhaust that has not been catalyzed from the catalytic converters. There will be a exhaust smell which will be worse at an idle, If smell is of concern you definitely want to go with HFC's over even the best Testpipes. The rotten egg smell comes from the catalytic converters scrubbing off the exhaust at high rpm. Typically if you get a good quality catalytic converter they are more efficient and the smell is less (keep in mind if the fuel trims are correct there should be minimal smell with cats. Please note get a good set of catalytic converter- personally like a cat which consists of metal substrate.


Basically point being is , as aforementioned, you remove the triple layer metals (ie: Rhodium, Palladium, etc..depending on Cat/year of car), you cannot eliminate these extra "odors" if you will. They exist.


In MY mind, I thought, and still think to some extent,.. Well if you seal your exhaust connections WELL enough then exhaust shouldn't be able to escape into the car. This is true to some extent, but just because our tailpipes are at the end of our vehicles.. that smell still comes back into the vehicle.. can't stop it short of having 5 Metre's of exhaust pipe coming out the back of your car ;)


In any case -- If you get a chance,.. mind just using whatever is handy.. your phone is fine, and recording your car at idle.. and revved up to 5-6k a few times? I'd like to hear what your setup sounds like (sounds like it should sound phenomenal!)[


TL;DR - We are both right :) -- And I would very much like to hear your exhaust, mind using your phone and recording it at idle, and revved up a few times? (Sounds like a unique, amazing setup)


Take care,

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Last year I covered 1800 miles across europe to the stelvio pass and nurburgring and not once did I smell of toxins etc had a passenger with me to and he was fine. I know my exhaust is sealed very well.


My setup is dual until the exit of the xyz pipe then goes into a single 3 inch pipe with resonator then the back box.


I have a very small touch of rasp which I find actually adds to the overall tone of the exhausts very well. The oem manifolds are an awful design! If you go into my journal you can see the oem and dc sports one side by side and can clearly see what there is an average of around 9-11bhp to be had there.


To me theres no point in having decats and fancy y pipes etc if the restriction is still at the start of the system, if you go for a quality brand there will be no issue with fitment or longevity imo, I also chose ceramic as the stock heat shields are removed so it was a thought out process to keep as little heat in the bay as possible by the header area.


Now the system has bedded in im due to do some videos. So its a good chance to use the new go pro ;) might be able to do it this Sunday so hold tight dude :)


It does sound absolutely glorious I must say :lol:

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  On 21/02/2014 at 10:56, Arran said:

Last year I covered 1800 miles across europe to the stelvio pass and nurburgring and not once did I smell of toxins etc had a passenger with me to and he was fine. I know my exhaust is sealed very well.


My setup is dual until the exit of the xyz pipe then goes into a single 3 inch pipe with resonator then the back box.


I have a very small touch of rasp which I find actually adds to the overall tone of the exhausts very well. The oem manifolds are an awful design! If you go into my journal you can see the oem and dc sports one side by side and can clearly see what there is an average of around 9-11bhp to be had there.


To me theres no point in having decats and fancy y pipes etc if the restriction is still at the start of the system, if you go for a quality brand there will be no issue with fitment or longevity imo, I also chose ceramic as the stock heat shields are removed so it was a thought out process to keep as little heat in the bay as possible by the header area.


Now the system has bedded in im due to do some videos. So its a good chance to use the new go pro ;) might be able to do it this Sunday so hold tight dude :)


It does sound absolutely glorious I must say :lol:



Nice.. I may have mine on by then.. But more likely Monday.


I agree a touch of Rasp adds to the sound .. But it's a fine line.


As for the stock headers being a terrible design and/or the biggest bottleneck in the system (from the start) -- I personally disagree from the Designers at Berk USA I talked to at length with Yesterday -- Headers aren't TOO bad in price .. If I thought they were going to be a great investment powerwise I would have tried to get a decent set while doing the cat removal.. But,.. my homework is just different than yours. Mine is based on the dyno's from others with and without Headers,.. people with header resiliency issues with aftermarket, and the Berk designers/techs who are amazing (they know this car inside and out, I was wowed).. who adamantly insisted the biggest breathing bottleneck in the 350's was undoubtedly the Stock Cats.. no questions about it, and the best bang for the buck bolt on if you did nothing else was to replace the stock cats with HFC's (or if you prefer Test pipes).


Do you happen to have Dyno's of Base, Catback install, Testpipe install, and Header dyno's? Or at least Dyno of before headers and after headers? Are you tuned (I would imagine you definitely are.. and if so would have at least one dyno from it..) Though you may have just gotten the tune with all your exhaust in already which would be impossible to determine which component added what.


Anyhow, look forward to the video.

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The biggest restriction is the cats I agree but the stock manifolds are a restriction which I wanted to get rid of to make the maximum gains I possibly could.


I had it uprev'd and dyno'd after cat back, other brand decats, intake etc but haven't had it tuned since headers and art/xyz pipes yet. Doing that soon

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  On 21/02/2014 at 16:04, Arran said:

The biggest restriction is the cats I agree but the stock manifolds are a restriction which I wanted to get rid of to make the maximum gains I possibly could.


I had it uprev'd and dyno'd after cat back, other brand decats, intake etc but haven't had it tuned since headers and art/xyz pipes yet. Doing that soon


I can agree with that. ;) -- Did you install your own Headers, and Test pipes?


And,.. what were your Dyno results with the other setup?

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Yep everything was installed with the help of a couple mates, when stock it was 245rwhp so around the stock figure 276bhp at the fly. Once uprev'd with motordyne plenum spacer, 06 airbox with hks filter, silenced decats and cobra y pipe and cobra resonated mid pipe and rear box, was 270rwhp after mark (abbey) calculated losses etc worked out at just over 300bhp at the fly.

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Nice gain, seems a touch low considering Spacer + Air upgrade + Decats + and Exhaust..


I would give it something like


Spacer = 10hp

06 Air box = 2hp

Decats = 12hp

Rest of Exhaust = 10hp


So 34-35hp would be more in the area. Had you not had the Spacer your figure seems dead on.


But, if it dyno'd to that.. that's what it is!


So puts you at or around the Stock hp of the HR motors, but likely a better power band. The DE motors ran 5.6 (or so) 0-60.. This should have put you at around the 5.1 of the HR motors (maybe better..) Quarter on DE stock was what? low 14s?


I know the 07/08's run 13.6 (With a professional driver at the helm) in the Quarter stock.


So I'd say you are pushing breaking the 5 second barrier on 0-60mph and are in the 13's on the Quarter.. that's a good leap.


I'd be interested in a re-tune and new Dyno with your parts.. I bet you are pushing 320+ hp at the Flywheel..


Good stuff.

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