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They Shouldn't Be On The Road (2)


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  On 01/03/2014 at 18:08, spursmaddave said:
  On 01/03/2014 at 18:05, ioneabee said:
surely no-body is actually that stupid ................. to claim his satnav told him to go there


He is riding a bike, what more do you need to know :shrug:



Sent from the golf club...

  On 01/03/2014 at 18:11, ioneabee said:

double wammy


£50 fine though!? Should have been more like £500. :dry: What a plonker.

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  On 08/02/2014 at 09:53, WhackyWill said:

Rant time!!


So I'm following a car with "baby on board" sign in the rear window. At the lights, there are two infants in back while


the woman passenger and driver are smoking with the windows up.


I rolled my window down and shook my head. He rolled his window down and says


"what wrong mate"!" And my reply "you're really that stupid aren't you?" I still don't think they got it.


They live among us, they breed, and they vote. :scare: :scare:



Not only do they breed, they are out-breeding the rest of us.... the simplest organism is the one that normally survives (not necessarily the smartest)

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  On 01/03/2014 at 18:08, spursmaddave said:
  On 01/03/2014 at 18:05, ioneabee said:
surely no-body is actually that stupid ................. to claim his satnav told him to go there


He is riding a bike, what more do you need to know :shrug:



Sent from the golf club...


Did you see Top Gear last night - we nearly managed to get shot of Clarkson! :yahoo:

Edited by Vik54
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  On 03/03/2014 at 14:32, Vik54 said:
  On 01/03/2014 at 18:08, spursmaddave said:
  On 01/03/2014 at 18:05, ioneabee said:
surely no-body is actually that stupid ................. to claim his satnav told him to go there


He is riding a bike, what more do you need to know :shrug:



Sent from the golf club...


Did you see Top Gear last night - we nearly managed to get shot of Clarkson! :yahoo:


pfft Bmw ...half a job :drive1 :drive1

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I hate it when you see dogs hanging out of car windows. Even worse yesterday, saw a young girl (about 3years old!) stood up on the back seat of a car with her head and shoulders out of the rear passenger seat (offside), imagine if a truck had gone past closely and taken her head off!! Some people are f##kin idiots!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was driving along the M8 near Glasgow on Monday and their was a VW golf driving in the BMW lane of the motorway at 50mph. I had to undertake it in the middle lane and to my surprise her kid was standing on the front seat looking out the passenger side window with no seatbelt on.

I've absolutely no sympathy for these cretins and the mother should spend a week in jail if caught!

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  On 28/03/2014 at 20:57, GMballistic said:

Liked your video Will as it's funny seeing that tailgating prat get what he deserves but tbh her driving wasn't much better as obviously she was filming whilst driving. :surrender::dry:


Still funny as flip though seeing that tw*t crash. :lol:


Dont think she was filming it, I thought the passenger was holding the camera as it was a L/H drive car...? :scare:

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  On 28/03/2014 at 21:06, WhackyWill said:
  On 28/03/2014 at 20:57, GMballistic said:

Liked your video Will as it's funny seeing that tailgating prat get what he deserves but tbh her driving wasn't much better as obviously she was filming whilst driving. :surrender::dry:


Still funny as flip though seeing that tw*t crash. :lol:


Dont think she was filming it, I thought the passenger was holding the camera as it was a L/H drive car...? :scare:

At one point you can see her passenger seat which is an empty seat with the yellow vest on the back. She was filming it all whilst driving! :surrender:


Seen so many videos of Americans using their vehicles with no seat belts on and using their phones. Don't think they have laws about using phones whilst driving but it could vary state to state I'd imagine. :dry:

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  On 10/02/2014 at 22:04, GMballistic said:

This guy really get's on my nerves!! :rant:


A young (20 something) local guy near where I live purchased a 2009 black Mercedes 180C Kompressor last year sometime. One Sunday me & my Mrs where off out in my then car, a Civic Type R when this guy comes roaring up behind me in a 30mph zone (I was doing 30-35ish). He tail gates us for a second then goes for a dangerous overtake up a hill on an almost blind bend. Me and the Mrs comment to each other ~ basically what a wa**er but I do nothing. No beeping the horn or flashing the lights etc as tbh I hate that sort of thing anyway so wouldn't want to be a hypocrite.


Anyway tonight I'm on my way home in the Zed after dropping my Mrs off at her parents ~ there is a long hill going up towards where I live so I'm cruising up it in the Zed which is just eating up the road in front of it no problem when I spot in my rear view mirror a set of lights from a car trying to catch up around the tight bends. When the hill finally levels out I'm cruising along at just above the posted limit when this prat come's racing up behind me & sits on my rear bumper ~ guess who? it's the same idiot in his Merc with his gormless mate along for the ride. :angry:


Tbh I felt like stopping my car and getting out to tell him to f**k off tailgating me as I'm not going to race him around a built up area in his sh**ty 140 something bhp Merc. :lol: Really hoping I see this pr*ck crashed in a ditch one day so I can just laugh & point at him. Rant over. :p

I normally get some young 20 something pull up to my bumper like Grace Jones in a saxo. We get to a set of traffic lights and he pulls up next to me. I glance at him and he revs his Saxo until all tappets are dancing on the bonnet. He pulls away like a screaming banshee and cuts in front of me. The same fella at the same time most mornings. He parks his car in the same car park that I do near work. And every day I arrive before him :teeth:
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I love having the teenager in a saxo by the side of me at traffic lights


I gun the zed to hear the music from the V6 while he rattles his 8 valves and we wait, wait a bit more, gun it a few more times............and the light turns to amber and then green - he floors it, and roars off at his maximum 0-60 mode of about 15 seconds..................I turn left........ :lol: :lol: :lol:

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  On 31/03/2014 at 07:59, ioneabee said:

I love having the teenager in a saxo by the side of me at traffic lights


I gun the zed to hear the music from the V6 while he rattles his 8 valves and we wait, wait a bit more, gun it a few more times............and the light turns to amber and then green - he floors it, and roars off at his maximum 0-60 mode of about 15 seconds..................I turn left........ :lol: :lol: :lol:


Hahaha that's brilliant

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A pet hate of mine at the moment is when waiting to turn right out of a junction and there is an oncoming car so you wait rather than be impatient and pull out in front of them and then 1 to 1.5 metres from the junction they indicate and turn left, grrrrr, even though they see you waiting, it seems to be more and more common these days.


Like Grundy said, its not so much bad driving, but people seem to go into their own little world and are completely oblivious to other road users and awareness of them!

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I don't do much driving around rush hour as my Z only gets driven for pleasure, but when I had a new set of tyres put on the last car I had the misfortune of finding myself driving amonst the 'dropping the little cherubs off at school brigage' in Twickenham (middle class children apparently can't use their legs anymore and have to be driven everywhere).


Good Grief! They are some seriously bad and aggressive drivers, not least the crazy cow who decided she couldn't wait the half a second it would have taken to let my hefty and very visible car with its headlights on drive down the road and decided to cut right across me to turn right, nearly slicing the nose off the Z and causing me to have to slam the brakes on (and the horn). It's probaby the only time I've been tempted to follow someone and tell them exactly what I think of their driving. I'm glad I didn't - probably would have lost my rag and said or did something I'd end up regretting later. I'm also glad I don't have to experience the school run around our way every day - it's like a scene from Mad Max!

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  On 31/03/2014 at 07:59, ioneabee said:

I love having the teenager in a saxo by the side of me at traffic lights


I gun the zed to hear the music from the V6 while he rattles his 8 valves and we wait, wait a bit more, gun it a few more times............and the light turns to amber and then green - he floors it, and roars off at his maximum 0-60 mode of about 15 seconds..................I turn left........ :lol: :lol: :lol:

I get this quite often too, youth in a generic hot hatch Saxo, Clio etc pulls up along side me at traffic lights revs his engine to get my attention.....usually I will oblige with a rev or two back, lights change he wheel spins and pulls off revving the nuts off his little hatchback I laugh to myself as I proceed to pull off at normal driving speeds for whatever road we're on ....frustrates the life out of them cos I won't race lol :)

Edited by tatooandy67
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  On 31/03/2014 at 15:14, tatooandy67 said:
  On 31/03/2014 at 07:59, ioneabee said:

I love having the teenager in a saxo by the side of me at traffic lights


I gun the zed to hear the music from the V6 while he rattles his 8 valves and we wait, wait a bit more, gun it a few more times............and the light turns to amber and then green - he floors it, and roars off at his maximum 0-60 mode of about 15 seconds..................I turn left........ :lol: :lol: :lol:

I get this quite often too, youth in a generic hot hatch Saxo, Clio etc pulls up along side me at traffic lights revs his engine to get my attention.....usually I will oblige with a rev or two back, lights change he wheel spins and pulls off revving the nuts off his little hatchback I laugh to myself as I proceed to pull off at normal driving speeds for whatever road we're on ....frustrates the life out of them cos I won't race lol :)

:lol: Excellent both. ;)



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Its a bit expensive in Knightsbridge.


OK so this spoilt little rich kid was going to fast trying to impress the peroxide in the passenger seat,


that's a given, but equally as much of a bellend is the the mazda driver who just pulled out without looking..



Edited by WhackyWill
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