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  On 02/02/2014 at 23:02, GMballistic said:
  On 02/02/2014 at 22:07, Tigerzed said:
  On 02/02/2014 at 21:58, Richie-B said:

205 GTI? just saying



...And why didn't Hammond get the GSi Nova!? Surely they could have got one of those instead of the SRi. :yuck::dry:


Anything but the SR! Crap shape XR2 and the worst of all Golf GTIs. Add on to that the fact that Clarksons eyebrows have gone grey and need a trim ...... grim viewing!

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So it should have been


Mk2 xr2

16v golf

205 gti




Mk3 rst fiesta

Nova gsi

Golf g60 (think It was the g60?)


1.9 205 gti or mi16 shoe horn

Maybe an R5 if you could find one that worked


There selection was pretty poor if they were trying to defend true hot hatches

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  On 03/02/2014 at 08:47, Richie-B said:

So it should have been


Mk2 xr2

16v golf

205 gti




Mk3 rst fiesta

Nova gsi

Golf g60 (think It was the g60?)


1.9 205 gti or mi16 shoe horn

Maybe an R5 if you could find one that worked


There selection was pretty poor if they were trying to defend true hot hatches


I was surprised not to see a 1.9Gti and there are better choices in the golf and fiesta camp, but i guess the show had already been put together and they knew they were going to blow them up so not point buying anything good, although it may have made for a more interesting show.


Its entertainment, its staged, they get millions of viewers, its not been a factual car based programme for many years. If you want factual watch 5th gear, but i would bet my last £ they would give anything to have Tg viewer numbers. *just seen the above whilst posting this!


There is always the change channel button ;)

Edited by Jetpilot
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Top Gear has been the same for years and years, it never changes. That said I still enjoy it and last nights episode was fairly entertaining. I'm glad they didn't have any nice hatches or I would be disappointed to see them blown up.

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hmm, the comments on top gear are the same with every new series - there isnt going to be a drastic change back to the old ways, just accept that this is what topgear is now! i'll be honest, i thought it was alright. actually pretty good considering the last 4-5 series. Obviously not the best ever episode, but not the very worst either! still looking forwards to next week, although the review of the P1 wont have anything technical in it, it'll just be how its 'got enough grip to tear your skin off' and its got more 'torques' to 'power a small solar system' and that getting that much power from a modest engine is like 'strapping a jet engine to your nans mobility scooter' and so on...


if you want actual car reviews, watch autocar or evo or any of the other online videos - if you want grown men larking about in cars and blowing stuff up, then watch top gear. and so what if you can see every gag coming and the script is wooden and the acting is terrible - thats the format for every action movie of the last decade! surely nobody expected anything else?

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  On 03/02/2014 at 12:23, Suits said:

It's sh*t and has been sh*t for about the last decade.


The only emotional stirring part was when Clarkson addressed the camera to speak about Schumacher.


I have to ask, if it is sh*t and has been sh*t for that long, why watch it?

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  On 03/02/2014 at 12:25, Jetpilot said:
  On 03/02/2014 at 12:23, Suits said:

It's sh*t and has been sh*t for about the last decade.


The only emotional stirring part was when Clarkson addressed the camera to speak about Schumacher.


I have to ask, if it is sh*t and has been sh*t for that long, why watch it?


As others have said, for the slight chance that there may be 8/9 minutes of some driving in a new Ferrari, Porsche, or as it happens next week the P1, which I find interesting and good viewing.

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I think its a shame it has gone down to one series as they didnt want to compete with Xfactor viewings. The autumn series always had the newest exotica out so wasnt so full of the "challenges" and the spring episode also gave a taster of the coming year with the odd surprise early release. Less time for them to fill with "challenges", although i do find most of them funny, even if they are totally staged.


The worse one for me was the India special, they tried to hard for it to be funny. Last nights was ok, but again tried a little too hard to be funny.

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  On 03/02/2014 at 13:40, jables said:

Reminds me of when my gran used to watch Eurotrash every week and then rant about how appalling it was.... every week.




So your gran used to watch Eurotrash in the hope of 2/3 minutes of quality porn but would get annoyed with the other 'none porn' stuff and complain.


Her styles. I like them.

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  On 03/02/2014 at 15:03, Suits said:
So your gran used to watch Eurotrash in the hope of 2/3 minutes of quality porn but would get annoyed with the other 'none porn' stuff and complain.

Rumbled. Used to make for some interesting conversations over Sunday afternoon coffee and cake.


There's now an uproar with people complaining how distasteful the show was, given that in these times of austerity with people having to visit food banks, that they thought it was funny to smash up a load of food in a supermarket. Some people should just give up now.

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