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Speeding in the USa


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Hi guys...


As you know am hiring a Shelby GT in the states...


I am just curious about the penalties for speeding in the USA and what penalties you can have as a UK driver in the US....


Can penalty points be transfered to the UK?


not that we will be speeding....


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Fines - large ones.


Several years ago - in fact well over a decade ago, my old man got done for speeding in the states - he had the choice of either a $200 fine, or attend a "drivers class" for half a day.


He chose the drivers class, knowing full well we were going home the next day, so never went to the class and never paid the fine. He was concerned that the next time we went to the states he would get pulled up on it at the immigration control desk. He didnt.


Things may have changed, and if enough visitors to the states just never bothered going to the classes, they probably removed that option and now you may just get a thundering great fine.

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The fines are massive depending on the state. It used to be about 60 bucks now its hundreds or up infront of the local judge. I blasted round the states for a month in a mustang doing 10k miles and never got caught. All you need is good eye sight and a very good radar/laser detector.




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In 5 yrs I got pulled twice in California. Both were in Inyo County. Once I was let off (85 in a 65 area at 5am going to Mammoth). The other time I was doing 94 in a 65 area on the way back. Everyone speeds on the way back from Mammoth and the officer admitted they were only pulling those going over 80.


The English accent will help and the officer put me down as going 80 (15mph over the limit). At 94 I'd have been screwed. 15mph over the limit allows you to take the Test which removes the ticket and subsequent points. Points are BAD cos your insurance rockets.


Anyway, with an International (UK) License and in a hire car you may be lucky. My guess will be that if you don't go more than 15mph over the limit you'll be let off with a warning - assuming you're nice and respectful. Oh and that you were pretty much keeping up with traffic. If you're weaving in and out bombing passed everyone - expect a rough ride.


Pull over as soon as you see the light behind you. Pull over as far to the right as possible so the officer isn't in danger of the road when he's standing at your window. ALWAYS put your hands on the steering wheel as he approaches - he needs to see them or he may well approach with his gun drawn. :scare: Your English accent won't help then :lol: He'll ask if you know why he stopped you - Say NO. If he asks if you know how fast you were going - Say YES as it shows you were aware of your driving style and that you believed it to be safe.


However, if he's determined to give you a ticket it'll mean an instant fine. Can't pay it? Well you've got a credit card haven't you? There you go then. Won't pay it? Then you will be arrested and escorted to the local Jail. Where you'll spend the night. And still have to pay. And recover your rental from where it was left.


Police officers are not soft pussies like over here. They are mean motherfcukers who demand respect. Be nice and you may get a break.


Oh, and don't think that an empty, dead straight road is cop-free. They're up in the air looking down on you and will call a local highway patrol to run you down.


Sorry but you gotta be real careful.

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Just found this:




About half way down is a table (which maybe out of date now) that shows fines for first time offenders in each state. You will be surprise at what a judge/cop can impose.


I will say after driving 10k miles don't speed in rural towns (limit can be 25mph), don't speed in construction zones (use the cruise control) and use a front and rear detector. I found a lot of cops sitting waiting as you crossed a state line or on the entry to a town. Unmarked cops had a big lamp hanging above the drivers wing mirror.


Take you time and see as much as possible of a huge country.




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American cops are fat pussies who dreams are to documented on Cops...


sorry no offence I got pulled of a plane when went to America last time, the cops pulled me off and made me strip for no reason at all :rant:


Maybe they recognized you from www.gay.com :p


Dude how many gay web domains do you own? :p

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