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JUKE salesman FAIL!


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One of my gorgeous girlfriends stands 6’1 in her bare feet…

She recently accompanied her mother to Charles Hurst in Belfast where a salesman tried to sell her mum a JUKE. When he asked my friend what she thought of the JUKE she politely stated it wasn’t really for her as she felt it had a lot of blind spots. He told her that as she was so huge only really an elephant would do for her!

This friend of mine is a pretty confident woman – she is a performer – clowning and burlesque. She has a wicked sense of humour, and, like me, does not suffer fools gladly. Said salesman was a stumpy wee sh*te with spiky hair and a shiny suit.

Obviously we are concerned that Nissan would be dismayed to hear that a salesman in one of their franchised dealers is claiming that the JUKE is unsuitable for anyone over 6ft – what can we do?!


Edited by Vik54
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