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Soft top failure.

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Bear with me as I've just got off the phone with the local Nissan dealership; 'long story short'. I havew owned a 350z for nearly 12 months. It's a 2005 soft top with 17,000 miles on the clock, I'm the second owner and have put 2k miles on it. It came with a 12 month Nissan warranty that was specific to the age of the vehicle and was purchased from a Nissan dealership in East Anglia. Today it went in for it's service/MOT and a reapir to the roof which failed to close at the rear. I noticed that when I tried to close the roof via instructions from the (in)famous Pdf document that the metal arm between the small 'shock absorber' was broken from the bottom of the hood; how this had occured is beyond my (very) limited intelligence, but it was not through negligence or anger! So, I'm sort of confident that the warranty will cover this problem......................No, the warranty people decided that it was excluded and told the dealership that they were not prepared to sanction repairs. This is the eye-watering part. Nissan said that the whole roof would need to be replaced and that would cost 7k plus VAT plus fitting...................that's more than i paid for the car and more than the warranty limit, £8500. The dealership that sold me the car was contacted by me; what's the point of selling a warranty that effectively does not cover the electric roof. Between all three, dealership with car, dealers that sold it and the Warranty people, they've decided that the likely cause of events was 'failure of motor, followed by breaking of roof support arm - though they accept that one will likely never know.....either way, they're not going to pay for the repairs. So, their best option is to get a specialist to look at it. The two motors at the back will apparently need to be replaced and then a specialist will need to weld the broken arm to the roof. Now, I'm an old git in the south west and know the value of warranties !! But, and there's always a 'but', surely, there must be a more affordable and practicable solution to this, what they've all decided, is a unique problem. Any comments, empathetic ones that is, would be gratefully accepted. My best guess it to try and get the 'home contents insurance legal assistance in consumer problems' involved, but I'm not holding out too much hope there; any ideas ? Many thanks for reading. Woolwich 819.

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You can replace the roof for a lot less than 000's http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281061199020?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2648 they might also have the motors there! I would personally take it to an independent garage to properly assess the situation, I don't understand where the mechanism has failed and also why both motors would need replacing. I would also suggest getting in touch with Zedmanalex on this forum - he might be able to help regarding parts and more especially - advice! :teeth:

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I'd expect the Nissan warranty to cover such an issue as it isn't wear and tear. You may have to get somebody from head office involved, I am sure other forum members can advise you better.


Worst case there is a forum member R35LEE that has a whole soft top roof in storage, which is for sale.

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I'm my Experience nissan dealers no F all about soft tops I had that price given to me to replace my top when all it was was the garage I got it from did a crap repair on the roof when I got it plus it was very cold and they did not no anything about the low temp-richer stopping it as well . Good look with the case hope you sort it :-)



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Zmanalex should be able to help as has already been said.

Motors can be rebuilt /reconditoned. Any independent softop specialist should be able to sort out the problem at a fraction of the cost. Best of luck with it all :thumbs:

Edited by choptop
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Thanks to everyone who took the time to read, never mind reply to my problem(s), I'm really grateful. Lee, I'll try and get back to you regarding the soft-top, when I've worked out what I'm doing with this website and computer; talk about 'puter-illiterate', that's me I'm afraid, so don't take offence if I finally work out what to do in the early hours. The latest in this saga.........................is that I've contacted the Insurance company who are in the process of arranging a visit by an assessor. You'll all be ahead of me here !! As you know, if they decide to do anything, I'll probably lose out, however, it'll be interesting to see what, if anything, they decide; I'll keep you updated - that'll keep you awake at night................not! Cheers again. Woolwich.

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