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Other car forums, don't even compare


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I a certain car is bought by a certain person, an A5 could be a sales rep or company car. They won't be a petrol head however like 350z, skyline,,, scooby :yuck: we are a different breed completely :lol: although after than astra VXR topic I looked on the VXR forum,,, wow they are a breed of their own :lol:

You never know though, as it might be their daily conservative car, and have the Z as a weekend car. ;)


Very cool forum though I do agree. Good participation levels.

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That said, what I might now find a annoying, same question, cliquey forum is fresh new adventure for someone else to get into with nothing to loose.


Just never take it too seriously, help where you can and don't get MAD, it's the internet.






I do love this site but the past year it has gone cliquey. Thats IMO so chill peeps. Also there have been some really good members recently like yourself Suits who are pretty chill. Other that argue with someone who has had the car since 2009 (wow long time). Also the mods where way more chilled out before and IMO where less authoritarian.


That said I still enjoy the site very much and thats all IMO so please don't give me the oh if you don't like it get lost crap. :) Just some changes ive seen over the 5 years (wow)

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Find me a forum that isn't cliquey and I'll find you a forum that's devoid of life.


All the best forums I've ever used have had a core clique, but that didn't make them bad places. It may take a little longer to get into them, but once you do you get a sense of camaraderie that you don't get from the more staid forums. You wouldn't walk into a pub for the first time and start shouting your face off, so why people expect to waltz onto an internet forum and be welcomed with open arms I don't know.



That said, this place is a hell of a lot friendlier than others I've been on. Spyderchat could be very rough on the noobs!

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Find me a forum that isn't cliquey and I'll find you a forum that's devoid of life.


All the best forums I've ever used have had a core clique, but that didn't make them bad places. It may take a little longer to get into them, but once you do you get a sense of camaraderie that you don't get from the more staid forums. You wouldn't walk into a pub for the first time and start shouting your face off, so why people expect to waltz onto an internet forum and be welcomed with open arms I don't know.



That said, this place is a hell of a lot friendlier than others I've been on. Spyderchat could be very rough on the noobs!


Yep that sums it up.. :thumbs:

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Yup - I joined one of the SAAB forums in the hope I would get more info - the layout was atrocious and search function utter goobledeegook. It was like a :tumbleweed: even when I introduced myself ... none of the flies to sh*t behaviour you see on here when a sprinkle arrives :lol:

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Apart from wanting to throttle the occasional thick bonehead who brags about running over animals for fun (seriously), I think this is a great forum and I say that as someone who generally has very little time for social media. I've learnt a lot from the expertise and knowledge of people on here, and had plenty of laughs along the way :)

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I found the VX forum a bit, erm, polarising. On one hand I had a guy drive out to camberley with me to look a car over on a week night, he is also the time attack champ 2012 and 2013 in his supercharged VX and offered free track lessons for me in my VX! Also had a guy who spoke to me on the phone a number of times advising on cat d cars etc. Then on the other hand, there were people that when I put an opinion about pricing of VXs I had a couple of lads just spout a torrent of unwarranted abuse, ironically I met one of these guys (a long termer 10k+ posts and all that) at a meet and he was some 5 foot tall overweight glasses wearing tech nerd. I am no hard nut but he went all quiet and a bit white when I introduced myself.


Sold my VX two months ago, haven't been back since.

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I found the VX forum a bit, erm, polarising. On one hand I had a guy drive out to camberley with me to look a car over on a week night, he is also the time attack champ 2012 and 2013 in his supercharged VX and offered free track lessons for me in my VX! Also had a guy who spoke to me on the phone a number of times advising on cat d cars etc. Then on the other hand, there were people that when I put an opinion about pricing of VXs I had a couple of lads just spout a torrent of unwarranted abuse, ironically I met one of these guys (a long termer 10k+ posts and all that) at a meet and he was some 5 foot tall overweight glasses wearing tech nerd. I am no hard nut but he went all quiet and a bit white when I introduced myself.


Sold my VX two months ago, haven't been back since.


Hey that sounds like me! I'm not on a Vauxhall forum though :lol:

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