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Android - Kit Kat


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My phone came preinstalled with KitKat, seems very stable and not crashed once, there are a few apps that aren't fully compatible with 4.4 but sure the most popular ones will be soon.


really not much difference between 4.3 and 4.4 just a few tweaks here and there :)





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Need to wait for 4.4 on my s4 but the last update 4.3 has really ****ed up my phone. Considering taking it back it been so bad,


Dropping signal on calls

Having barely any signal at all times

Keeps disconnecting wifi

Couldn't receive texts at some point

Phone would turn itself off


Tbh im wondering wether I should have just stayed with the iPhone

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Arran - that's a Samsung firmware issue I believe.

Mostly affected S3 phones when updating to 4.3.


If you switch of 3G it prevents the call dropping.

Firmware update due at same time as 4.4 roll out.

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