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What to do !


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I have an issue that no matter how much I ponder over it I can`t seam to make my mind up.

In recent years I had a GSXR750K3 and XVS1100 for summer fun and a supermoto of one kind or another for work, however, more recently I got rid of the GSXR and XVS as they just sat in the garage doing probably less than a combined 500 miles each year.

Now that I`ve retired I don`t use the motorbike for work so for the last 6 months the XT660x has been sat in the garage and taken out on probably less than half dozen occasions and probably for less than 20 miles each time.

The main reason for this probably being it`s a great ride to work bike but not so exciting for a blast round the countryside.

So my dilemma is ;

Do I keep the XT660x because it`s costing me next to nothing and being without a bike isn`t a desirable option at all (the only time I`ve been without a bike in 37years was from the first divorce until I then decided to get one again for the second - period of about 7 years). Even if it`s sat in the garage hardly being used it`s still there when I fancy putting some leather on,


Do I swap it for a superbike or some other exciting piece of 2 wheeled machinery which will still sit in the garage hardly being used, be much more fun when it is used though, but take up another major chunk of my pension which has already taken a serious battering from buying the 370, the wifes new car, home improvements, holidays, etc. etc. etc.

I seam to have a real talent for spending money and have purposely stayed away from the bike shops - cos how fatal is that !and wish I was as good at saving it and this idea of getting a new bike didn`t keep popping into my head !


On a completely separate issue, anyone find that when typing on this forum half the letters/spaces keep being missed out ?Don`t think it`s my key board as it only does it on here ! Took me about 2hours to typethis with th continal goig backto corrct it !!!

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Keep the bike you have as it owes you nothing, I have a gsxr1000 k9 sitting in the garage hardly being used but it owes me nothing and it's there if I fancy a scratch.


I agree with you about never being without a bike too.:)

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I don't know the value of the bike, but is it as fun as your old gsxr? My boyfriend has the 750 K4 and they're not badly priced these days and still reasonable mileage, so maybe have a fun bike but without spending too much money! His is only used in good weather, usually for work and then for fun at weekends, so all tucked up with the supra for the winter now.

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