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350z owner in cross dressing crisis


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Dear 350z-uk.com


I left home the other morning at the usual time of 7:45 but after less than 2 miles from my house my 350z conked out. I couldn't get it started so walked home where I got the shock of my life....


My husband was standing in front of the mirror in my underwear - knickers, suspender belt and bra. :scare: Tackling him on it he responded by saying all his were in the wash and he had no choice other than to go Commando. Pointing out his make up made him break down and confess that he's been cross dressing for the last 6 months.


I love him but don't know what to do. Please help.


Confused Karen



Dear Karen


There are many reasons why a 350z would 'conk out' as you put it. The weather we have had recently may have tripped a fuse. Did you check?

There is of course the more traditional run out of petrol reason too - are you sure you've not emptied the tank?


350z-uk.com suggests you contact your local garage and have them look at it.




:lol: ??



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