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First ticket in my Z in 10 yrs....Bugger!


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Just pulling out from a long slip road onto the motorway, cars in front and behind when I noticed a gap in the traffic so accelerated through the slow and middle lanes into the fast lane. Had been concentrating on the cars ahead and behind me on the slip road and those I was about to merge with so wasn't looking out for cameras.

Just got into the lane when out the corner of my eye I saw the camera van tucked up on the verge and then noticed the 50 mph sign. Got done for doing 58 mph!

I've ran the road again since, only to realise I had missed two disc shaped 50 mph signs on the slip road.

I suppose I should have seen them but when your watching out for traffic you can miss them.

Bugger (squared) no (cubed)!

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It was probably more mate but as they go for 10% + 2mph to make sure they win if you go to court think yourself lucky.

Most people have 3 points nowadays at least.


I`ve been clean for a few years but it just makes me think its a case of when not if.

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Must be something in the air! I was on my way to the parents in Norfolk on Thursday and whilst on the M25 the guy in front of me got flashed by one of those overhead cameras which I'm assuming had adjusted its setting due to the temporary speed restriction that was flashing up across all lanes. I'm hoping I shaved enough speed off to not get done too. Guess I'll find out when I get home in the new year.....

Edited by Steel Lynx
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It was probably more mate but as they go for 10% + 2mph to make sure they win if you go to court think yourself lucky.

Most people have 3 points nowadays at least.


I`ve been clean for a few years but it just makes me think its a case of when not if.


58 mph is more than 57 mph, yes! I think what you mean is the speedo probably read more? Sorry just in one of those annoying moods tonight :p:sorry:


On another note, this is bad luck and I think there are occasions which require you to go faster than the traffic to be safe. For a van to be parked just after a slip road is bang out of order! These are occasions when it's clear it is about money rather than safety :angry:

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Got caught just after a 60mph speed camera on the a24 dual carriageway, they were hiding just a bit further down past the camera and clocked me at 75mph. Everyone just slows down for the camera and speeds up again on this stretch of road, I was impressed at how quickly the Z accelerated from 60 to 75 more than anything! Got away with the points and doing one of these speed awareness courses as I'm just on the allowable limit, 1mph more and it would have been points.

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Must be something in the air! I was on my way to the parents in Norfolk on Thursday and whilst on the M25 the guy in front of me got flashed by one of those overhead cameras which I'm assuming had adjusted its setting due to the temporary speed restriction that was flashing up across all lanes. I'm hoping I shaved enough speed off to not get done too. Guess I'll find out when I get home in the new year.....


Just a heads up on these. Due to the quirky way british law is written, not all of those signs are legal and binding.


If the sign is one of those orange LED displays such as they have on the M25 that says 50 or whatever, you can actually go at the national limit of 70. You only have to abide by a traffic sign if it complies with the regulations which mean it must be a red ring black or white writing on it.


So, if you don't see the LED display with a red ring around it to make it look like a sign theyre not legally enforceable and wont have any speed cameras watching them.


These are legally binding and you can be prosecuted if you speed past them/the cameras (notice the red ring to imitate a regular sign)



These are not (not the correct colour, no red ring)


Edited by cs2000
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you can also sometimes come across a speed limit in a village that has a black circle on a white background with red numbers ie 30mph - this is a recommended speed and likely where the council are trying to impose a legal limit - they will eventually accrue enough data to show vehicles are slowing down and will then impose an enforcable limit on the area

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you can also sometimes come across a speed limit in a village that has a black circle on a white background with red numbers ie 30mph - this is a recommended speed and likely where the council are trying to impose a legal limit - they will eventually accrue enough data to show vehicles are slowing down and will then impose an enforcable limit on the area

Correct, a lot of school zones have these signposted at 20MPH but its advisory but understanble and I do tend to stick by those, especially if its morning/lunch/evening time when theres likely to be children around.

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Will defo look into this signs business a little further. Sent off the "Notice of Impending Prosecution" today along with the most sickofantic begging letter I could write. I think I got all the favourites in, typically, Xmas spirit, I'm a pensioner, the wife doesn't luv me, how dashing they look in their uniforms and the killer...... I support policemans balls whenever I can ( not sure that one works to well though!)

If they don't shed an understanding tear I'm sure they'll throw up when they read it. At least in some small way I''ll be getting my own back if that happens ha ha

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