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MrB's zed


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couple of more pics,

first lips of wheels ready for paint just applied the etch primer




now a glimpse of a mirror under light not compounded yet but gives an idea of the pearl colours in the paint, this is under direct light so it shouldn't flip between light blue dark blue and purple quite as much on the car





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painted wheel lips. next step with these is mask up and matt black the insides






hit a major issue today started to lay basecoat on the car and it seems its had a crash repair done before looked perfect before I started but as soon as I started to lay the basecoat it lifted the old paint right down to the original paint.

I could use a sealer but the best and right way is to rub it right back etch primer and start fresh ( going with the attitude why hide some ones bad work when it can be repaired

Edited by mrb
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the sad state shes in at the moment. already started putting it right, plenty more sanding to do lol doubt any paint but etch primer will be laid before next week.


id love to know what it was painted with just one of those things you don't know till you start








watch this space people



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i thought about barcoat but decided to go with a totall flat back to metal and etch prime from scratch. i want to see whats under the bad paint rather than hide it away it may be nothing just bad painting by whoever done it. but if a panel needs replacing id rather do it now

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intrestingly jyst sharing some information.. ive been told do not use barcoat but to flatten to bare metal dust etch then prime as normal to get a good start for basecoat aparently barcoat isnt the best to get a good starting block

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  On 24/03/2014 at 07:03, buster said:

looking forward to seeing your zed finished :teeth:


i want to get this part done and dusted and out the way so i can then rebush it with polies and then look at supercharging it in july.

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Just read this - Great work mate :)


Personally I hate barcoat (Sorry Buster) I prefer a good flat back (not to bare metal unless unavoidable) and a coat of 2K primer that seems to work on most things.


I do appreciate the idea of being sure what is underneath though :thumbs:


I had reaction after reaction on the boot of my 350 ended up going back to metal and still got a reaction????? No other panel on the car had that problem :shrug:


Good luck and keep the updates coming :)

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