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Warming up


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Had a debate at work the other day, as to what the best method of warming the car up is. Some were saying that its best to let it idle first, (im in this camp) and some say that its best to just get in and drive it, taking it easy for the first few miles.

Just interested in what people on here thought, as im sure most of you know more about cars than some of the people I work with.

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For anyone who misses the other post, getting in and driving straight away is the best method. Leaving it idle doesn't warm the engine evenly and causes things like bore wash which in the long run, is much worse for the engine.


If we had turbo's then cool down after a drive will be beneficial, but we (mostly) don't so no worries there!

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If we are talking about cold starts here, which I presume we are, then pretty much any car runs richer at this phase to aid the cold starting. Back in the old days of carbs bore was was much more prevalent due the the imprecision of the fuelling, particularly with the choke.


ECU controlled engines are much more tightly controlled, but still require an electronic form of choke, which does introduce more fuel which can in turn lead to bore wash. The level of bore wash these days would be much lower than with carbed cars but can still happen.

Edited by roscopervis
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