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Hardwire D1-Spec Throttle Controller


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Got one off eBay a few days ago, but only getting close to fitting it now as the car was away. I want to hardwire it to something for power under the dash so I can leave the iOBD plugged into the port also.


I know it has separate wires for hardwiring it, but has anyone any idiot proof advice on where I can connect it to?


Please don't fire wiring diagrams at me, they hurt my head :lol:


Thanks :D

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Well I've wired several things in, including stereos and tow bar electrics and all i did was look for a suitably heavy wire that was only live with the ignition on and simply scotchlocked my new wire to it. Whats the the worst that can happen?.......

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I hard wired mine but if you do make sure you have a really good ground and i mean a really good ground as mine wasnt it will stop the car turning over in certain weather, lucky im a genius and unplugged it and started car to pinpoint problem before i ripped the engine apart to find out what was wrong!!!

Edited by jumping350
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