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Cyclists reaction


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  On 26/01/2014 at 16:19, GMballistic said:
^^ Got what he deserved really ~ start shouting abuse at some people how do you expect them to react. :dry:


Exactly, cut within inches of a car just to get a foot ahead of it when you KNOW you will be holding it up then race after it hurling abuse.....


It is annoying when motorbikes do it but they get away quick


"This is MY space" yeah that you pay absolutely bugger all to use :rant:



Sent from the golf club...

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  On 26/01/2014 at 16:26, spursmaddave said:
  On 26/01/2014 at 16:19, GMballistic said:
^^ Got what he deserved really ~ start shouting abuse at some people how do you expect them to react. :dry:


Exactly, cut within inches of a car just to get a foot ahead of it when you KNOW you will be holding it up then race after it hurling abuse.....


It is annoying when motorbikes do it but they get away quick


"This is MY space" yeah that you pay absolutely bugger all to use :rant:



Sent from the golf club...


agree but the audi did pull into the cycle only box at the lights, the cyclist was entitled to be there ! although he didn't deal with it very well :bangin:

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  On 26/01/2014 at 16:07, Humpy said:

This is more of how a rear passenger of an Audi driver responded to a cyclist.... NSFW




got what he deserved, call someone a "f*****g p***k" and expect to get a hiding. obviously banked on him not having the balls to get out and chin him.

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  On 26/01/2014 at 16:29, ioneabee said:
well sort of agree with the above, but in no way was a thump in the face warranted


Normally I 100% agree but if someone screamed what he did practically in my face then not sure I wouldn't react, nothing about being a big man or anything like that just human nature :shrug:


If you are going to give verbal abuse like that out then you have to be prepared for some people reacting like that, rightly or wrongly...



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The Audi driver was a tit for pulling into the cycle area, and the cyclists to be fair was very calm with him.


He tore off and the cyclist went after him looking for a confrontation, and he got it. Audi driver should be done for assault but the cyclist did go looking for it thinking he was some sort of tough guy and got found out in a big way.


Mind you those cycle areas are a bloody ridiculous idea in any case, all that happens is when the lights go green you have a dozen slow moving bikes clogging up the road, why they cant queue on the left like everyone else I don't know.

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  On 26/01/2014 at 17:13, coldel said:
The Audi driver was a tit for pulling into the cycle area, and the cyclists to be fair was very calm with him.


He tore off and the cyclist went after him looking for a confrontation, and he got it. Audi driver should be done for assault but the cyclist did go looking for it thinking he was some sort of tough guy and got found out in a big way.


Mind you those cycle areas are a bloody ridiculous idea in any case, all that happens is when the lights go green you have a dozen slow moving bikes clogging up the road, why they cant queue on the left like everyone else I don't know.


Yep if you put a 'cycling area' in front of cars at a junction what do you expect?


I think that cyclist should be banned in London and made to take their chances on the tube lines dodging trains instead of cars :lol:

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I remember when people just went for a ride on their bike. It was a relaxing and healthy activity.


It wasn't an activity that required you to battle and compete with car drivers, frantically ride as fast as possible and dress in overly tight outfits that make you look like a dodgy sex offender.

Edited by sipar69
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  On 26/01/2014 at 22:22, sipar69 said:

I remember when people just went for a ride on their bike. It was a relaxing and healthy activity.


It wasn't an activity that required you to battle and compete with car drivers, frantically ride as fast as possible and dress in overly tight outfits that make you look like a dodgy sex offender.

So true ~ I blame the 2012 Olympics in part. :lol:

Edited by GMballistic
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  On 26/01/2014 at 22:30, GMballistic said:
  On 26/01/2014 at 22:22, sipar69 said:

I remember when people just went for a ride on their bike. It was a relaxing and healthy activity.


It wasn't an activity that required you to battle and compete with car drivers, frantically ride as fast as possible and dress in overly tight outfits that make you look like a dodgy sex offender.

So true ~ I blame the 2012 Olympics in part. :lol:


I blame Boris ;)

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I am bemused by the whole lycra thing, 99% of cyclists can barely get over 15mph, so why all this aerodynamic lycra nonsense. Ok if its more comfortable fair enough, but put something over the top, its not a pretty sight.

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The bicycle area at the lights is pointless when you look at what then happens with all the traffic stuck behind the bicycles. As for that video the audi guy could have just waited back and then had no choice but to slowly follow the bikes. However that Prat on the bike pedalling for all he's worth just to shout abuse, glad he got a smack.

There has to be some sort of mandatory licensing/taxing and also mandatory safety equipment put on cyclists.

All the road safety campaigns and legislation but nothing to simply make cyclists wear helmets.

Motorcyclists have to do it, so should the rest.

O and as someone said no problems with motorbikes pulling to the front of queues. It's called filtering and they're allowed to do it plus they pull off and don't (shouldnt) cause a rolling traffic jam.

We get some cyclists around here that seem to love riding in twos or more side by side going down the lanes. Just stupid.


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Edited by wizurd
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That video is doing the rounds on the forums at the minute.


I don't like to steriotype but I can't help it, I can't stand cyclists, don't get me started on the self rightous idiots who travel with cameras on their helmets!!


I once ran one over due to the guy cutting straight infront of me, he was uninjured and confruntational, it didn't end well. It ended up costing me about £700 to repair my bonnet afterwards.


These cyclists always seem so confrontational but never have the nuts to back themselves up when someone retaliates.

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What they don't seem to realise is that banging on people windows or car bodywork and throwing insults is generally going to generate a reaction - sometimes a violent one. Imagine being cut up by a cyclist so at the next set of lights the driver grabs his bike and gives it a decent shoeing whilst calling the guy a load of names...what would happen?


That video infuriates me, as the cyclist went looking for a fight and got one and clearly was a gutless mouthy hothead who bottled it when someone retaliated. If anything it shows the cyclist as being in just as bad a light as the driver who committed assault and is hardly supporting the cycling cause!

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You can discuss the rights and wrongs of the characters in that video but personally i think the cyclist got let off lightly for his outburst, problem with that video is they both were as arrogant as each other!


I guess as i mentioned earlier it can be pretty unnerving being on a bike. I felt pretty vulnerable during my motorbike days and took exception if someone didnt respect my safety. Some drivers driving simply had to be seen to be believed, positively scary, so can understand some cyclists reactions, but it does seem a percentage actively seek out a reason to kick off and be obstructive to drivers simply because they are in a car.


I think in everything i have done there have been conflicts, horse riders hated mountain bikers, fishermen hated surfers, surfers hated jet skis, yachties hated motorboats and it goes on.


I have no idea why some people seem to feel their chosen activity gives them some god given cause to object to any alternate activity. Just get on and enjoy what your doing and forget about everyone else, i am sure some people wouldnt feel normal if they werent complaining about something or other.


Sorry to say though, i really dont think the roads are any place for bikes these days and if your going to get your lycra on and "get fit" you have to accept your the minority, you dont pay anything to use them and more so, massively vulnerable.

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  On 27/01/2014 at 16:41, Jetpilot said:

You can discuss the rights and wrongs of the characters in that video but personally i think the cyclist got let off lightly for his outburst, problem with that video is they both were as arrogant as each other!


I guess as i mentioned earlier it can be pretty unnerving being on a bike. I felt pretty vulnerable during my motorbike days and took exception if someone didnt respect my safety. Some drivers driving simply had to be seen to be believed, positively scary, so can understand some cyclists reactions, but it does seem a percentage actively seek out a reason to kick off and be obstructive to drivers simply because they are in a car.


I think in everything i have done there have been conflicts, horse riders hated mountain bikers, fishermen hated surfers, surfers hated jet skis, yachties hated motorboats and it goes on.


I have no idea why some people seem to feel their chosen activity gives them some god given cause to object to any alternate activity. Just get on and enjoy what your doing and forget about everyone else, i am sure some people wouldnt feel normal if they werent complaining about something or other.


Sorry to say though, i really dont think the roads are any place for bikes these days and if your going to get your lycra on and "get fit" you have to accept your the minority, you dont pay anything to use them and more so, massively vulnerable.


slightly off topic - Pete is jetset ;):lol:

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  On 27/01/2014 at 16:41, Jetpilot said:

Sorry to say though, i really dont think the roads are any place for bikes these days and if your going to get your lycra on and "get fit" you have to accept your the minority, you dont pay anything to use them and more so, massively vulnerable.


I can't believe this old chestnut still gets trotted out in 2014.

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  On 27/01/2014 at 18:35, AK350Z said:
  On 27/01/2014 at 16:41, Jetpilot said:

Sorry to say though, i really dont think the roads are any place for bikes these days and if your going to get your lycra on and "get fit" you have to accept your the minority, you dont pay anything to use them and more so, massively vulnerable.


I can't believe this old chestnut still gets trotted out in 2014.


Probably more relevant these days with the amount its costs to be on the road :)

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  On 27/01/2014 at 18:35, AK350Z said:
  On 27/01/2014 at 16:41, Jetpilot said:

Sorry to say though, i really dont think the roads are any place for bikes these days and if your going to get your lycra on and "get fit" you have to accept your the minority, you dont pay anything to use them and more so, massively vulnerable.


I can't believe this old chestnut still gets trotted out in 2014.

I know what you mean (some cyclists will obviously be vehicle owners & pay the VED etc) but it does annoy a lot of vehicle/road users I believe because of the amount of money that is spent on improving the roads for cyclists making it safer for them to use.

Yet the majority of them still constantly flout the laws of the roads they're using, refuse to help themselves by wearing helmets/visible clothes etc and are not accountable for there actions like most other road users are.


I mean if a hooded man on a bicycle gets road rage, kicks your car, damaging it and then rides off through a red light and into a park, wtf can you do?


He has no insurance, no registration plate and is basically untraceable even if it's caught on camera. :dry:

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  On 27/01/2014 at 18:35, AK350Z said:
  On 27/01/2014 at 16:41, Jetpilot said:

Sorry to say though, i really dont think the roads are any place for bikes these days and if your going to get your lycra on and "get fit" you have to accept your the minority, you dont pay anything to use them and more so, massively vulnerable.


I can't believe this old chestnut still gets trotted out in 2014.


Yes but back in the day you didn't have 1,000s of wannabe Bradley Wiggins flying around.


I am sure that most like me have nothing against someone who wants to cycle and keep fit and ride both capably and with courtesy..... but unfortunately I see more behaviour like the cyclist on the clip.


The Audi was nowhere near him, he had to move backwards quite a way just to have a rant at the driver, the car sped away but very wide of him causing no problem whatsoever to him but he had to have another rant and unfortunately got a smack for his trouble....


I love the very end where one cyclist nearly takes out another who was walking their bike over a pedestrian crossing, I suppose the old chestnut about running lights and crossings is also a :yawn:



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No Dave, it's not. But I was only referring to the fact that all infrastructure is paid for out of general taxation, and most drivers and cyclists have jobs, therefore entitling them to use the roads.


I Don't know why such focus is given to the mode of transport of arseholes, as obviously, their common feature is being an idiot, not their method of getting about.


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  On 27/01/2014 at 23:07, AK350Z said:
No Dave, it's not. But I was only referring to the fact that all infrastructure is paid for out of general taxation, and most drivers and cyclists have jobs, therefore entitling them to use the roads.


I Don't know why such focus is given to the mode of transport of arseholes, as obviously, their common feature is being an idiot, not their method of getting about.


Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk


It is unfortunate that cyclists in general are getting a bad name, the guy in the video kind of sums up most peoples stereotypes of a modern cyclist....


I get the taxation bit I think most are talking about some kind of insurance not just for other road users but for pedestrians who are using crossings and get hit...


I did see a good one the other day, a cyclist ean a red light, unlucky for him a copper on a bike was the other side of the junction, doubt he got anything more than a telling off but still...





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