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Twisted driver seatbelt


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Simple fix, get harnesses!


I've thought of getting harnesses at a later date, mainly for show, but then I can to the conclusion that they'd **** me off. Many times I have to lean forward to see better out of a junction or twist my body to see behind me whilst reversing, neither of these things I can do with harnesses.


A few times when trying to lean forward the seatbelt has locked, not just in the Zed, but quite a few cars and it's quite difficult to describe how angry and frustrated that makes me :lol:


Is there a way to keep the seatbelt and have harnesses fitted?


Yeah, I've done it. Lap belt is secured to the same point as the standard seatbelt on the outside just with a longer bolt to hold them both and into the floor via one of those threaded plates.


Edit: and my bucket seat mount has a fixing point for the lap belt too :)


Cheers, if/when I ever get to this point I'll give you a shout :thumbs:


You need to lean forward slowly and gently, this way you will beat the "inertia" lock on the seat belt and it will release. :)


I know, but they seem to have a mind of their own a decide to be a troll some days, then once it locks once, no matter how slow you go it keeps doing it :lol:

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