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The real 28 days later


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Anyone seen this, I was emailed the link as it has some places near were i live, i'd heard about one or two of them but never thought of them much. Anyway some crazy ass people have actually been to them and to see the photo's its really erely (spell check please :wacko: )




Just use the search function and type in your local town or area and see what it brings up... its like hidden treasure.

Well i found it interesting..... :blush:

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When I first looked at this I thought what a sad and pointless hobby, but now I've spent all afternoon reading stuff on there it seems kinda cool, I'm off to break in somewhere I shouldn't be asap :p


P.S. None of those blokes can spell !

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I thought the same thing at first, but its like hidden treasure when you find a building or place you recognise. Just brings back memories of when i was a kid and we used to hnag around old bomb shelters and empty buildings. :blush:

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