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Plans for the winter?


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This will be my first winter with the Z and I'm not sure what to do for the best.


Whats does everyone else do? Is this car useable in standard form in the snow? Or are some form of winter tyres a must?


I've been considering just putting it in the garage and buying a really cheap run about for the winter :/

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I used mine in standard form as a daily all of last winter and its perfectly fine. You just have to be careful.


Winter tyres are a good investment depending on what area of the country you are from!


I will be fitting my Rays this year if I can bring myself to do it ;)

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Depends where you are, I live in west London so have to deal with about 2 weeks snow per year, clearly I wouldn't buy another car when I commute by train anyway. When it did snow I just didn't drive it but it really isn't a big dent in my usage time during the winter months. Just think about me in my VX220 during winter before you worry about your heavy, wide wheeled, comfy and warm Zed :lol:

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3 winters in a row about as good as you can expect in a 300bhp rear wheel drive car. Snow can be an issue but once on main roads fine no need to hibernate the z at all in my opinion. If you do run into issues in snow fill the boot with heavy items to help traction and turn of traction control pulling away on snow.

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If your budget doesn't stretch as far as snow tyres, buy a set of snow socks and chuck 'em in your boot. If it does get to the point where you can't move, put the socks on to get you out of trouble. Just remember to take them off again when you hit treated Tarmac! :lol:

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Depends how you feel. I had no previous rear wheel drive experience and I bought this powerful thing and drove it fine. I did at a couple of times have to put on the AutoSocks I bought but only for picking away up a hill. I also got stuck on a roundabout exit :scare: but managed to work my way out with..POWER. lol Just be careful, it can be done.


PS.14N, that pic of the Zeds and the plane is amazing.. B)

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I'm going to be putting mine away for the winter again, but I have a daily driver so I like to keep the 350 salt free and I don't want my self or someone else writing my pride and joy off. I like to give her a service and some new goodies each winter. Also tax comes up at the end of this month and there is no point in taxing her if I'm not going to drive her for three or four months.

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No it's just I've spent a lot of time getting my car how I want it, and would kick myself, if myself or someone else wrote it off because of ice or snow. Plus it keeps the salt off her keeps the mileage down and gives me a few months with more money to buy her bits.

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I nearly bought winter wheels and tyres (I know they're not just for snow, it's cold too), still toying with getting a sensible scooby for winter, then track it in summer! I'll defoneed 4WD for the two days of snow here ;)


In the end I just realised a pair of socks in the boot will do for emergencies. If it's snowy when I wake up in the morning, get a taxi or rent any car. Rentals handle beautifully in snow :) either way it's cheaper than the initial outlay for wheels and tyres. Unless it snows for weeks!

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I guess it depends where you live, snow is pretty rare where I live (apart from last winter :lol: ) which was the first time since 2007 there was any appreciable snow on the ground. I just make sure I've got anti freeze in my washers, clean the headlights and rear lights every couple of days and keep the rest of the car reasonably clean.



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I bought a Peugeot 206 for a couple of hundred quid to get me through the winter months, I know it's a Nissan but I'm too precious about it to be worried about whether I can get to work and back home again in the snow.


14 inch wheels mean winter tyres cost me £30 each :)

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It's going to be my first winter with my Zed but I'm not particularly worried. It did snow last year a lot where I live in South Wales and was very deep in places. So much so that my fwd Civic type R got trapped in my local village as it couldn't get up the hills to my house and the Uni I work at closed for two days. If I think it's too dangerous I'll just leave the car at home and walk the five miles to work & back. Better that then a damaged car.

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Where would be a good place to pick up some winter tyres? Could I get em second hand?


After a quick search online it looks like it would actually be cheaper to buy a little banger for a few month. I could garage the Z, declare it offroad and change over my insurance, no doubt I'd get a refund on my insurance too as the run about would be lower risk.


Might seem a little over the top but I've been hit through no fault of my own twice in the winter, my civic was ruined because of it. I live in newcastle and we tend to get the snow pretty bad, it's meant to be bad this year again too.

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  On 16/10/2013 at 18:40, Ekona said:

It's just a car. Drive to the conditions as always and you'll be fine.

mmmmm no.


Last winter I had RE040's on the rear (yes, not the best tyre, but they're black, round and expensive, therefore the same as every other tyre in this logic) and I couldn't even pull away with NO throttle at all, just slowly letting out the clutch caused wheel spin and then T/C kicked in. And I live on an estate with probably 1000 people, fairly populated area.


Bought some winter tyres and all was well. Snow went the very next day but hey-ho, they're sat in the garage waiting for average temps to drop lower.

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