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Gear Changes


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Hi All,


Now that I own a 350, it has obviously become my pride and joy, however, one thing I am still trying to get to grips with are the gear changes. When I first drove it, I noticed that changing gear felt very mechanical, which I have no problem with at all. But it is very different to previous cars I have owned and has made me rethink my gear changing techniques. For a start there's getting used to short shifting and I also find myself being overly gentle with the gear changes. I expect I am over analysing it, but could really do with a few pointers. I'm not the greatest driver in the world, I will admit, but I would at least like to drive my 350 in the right way, if you know what I mean.



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Change the clutch line for a braided one aswell while your there and replace the clutch/brake fluid with high temp stuff


The braided clutch line comes as part of the packet if you change the clutch slave cylinder


from Clarks / Alex, this doesn't help with the notchie change from 1st to 2nd.. :thumbs:.

Edited by WhackyWill
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My box used to be a tad notchy from 2nd to 3rd even after I changed the gearbox oil (genuine nissan sports oil) and added moly slip, but once the hel line went on with the new ate superblue fluid it went, so yeah I think it has made a difference plus round the ring in June it was a pleasure to drive and work with


well worth the extra 20 quid for doing ot properly

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