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Finally done it!

Steel Lynx

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Well, I've just ordered a Fast Intentions TDX exhaust with 18" resonators, the Fast Intentions HFC, and the Stillen Gen 3 intake......

Now the hard bit begins (waiting for it to be made and delivered) *sigh* Still, it'll be worth it!! :D

Big thanks to Tarmac for being so patient with all my questions too! :thumbs:

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Sadly, I don't have the skills, the knowledge or the tools to attempt it myself so I'm getting the nice chaps at Abbey to do it for me. On the plus side, at least it'll already be there for the uprev I'm going to get done after it's all installed :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

So, I arrived at Abbey Motorsport just before 0800hrs, Scott greeted me in the office and promptly set about unwrapping my HFC for me to look at and also the air intake which looked rather nice even in a box. Gave them the key and sat down to read one of the many Japanese car magazines.

About an hour later I see a nice silver 370Z pull up with what seemed like a familiar number plate, as it turned out, it Was Darren-B who was also there for an UpRev so had a good chat to him.

Went to have a nose around the workshop (after making sure it was ok to do so of course) The air filter was just going in at this point and looked like a bloody fiddly job (as it turns out, it was.....) but the chap persevered and finally managed to fit it and even though it took longer than expected I wasn't charged for the additional time. The exhaust turned out to be a much easier and straight forward affair but seemed a bit close to the bumper once fitted but they soon managed to sort that out too.

Then it was off to the Dyno and the guy doing it seemed pretty impressed right off the bat with the initial gains. I eventually left him to it and went back to read some magazines until it was all done. All in all, I was extremely impressed with the whole experience and would definitely recommend it to anyone else thinking of using Abbey for anything. They're a great bunch and if you're lucky, you might get your face licked (by one of the dogs)

The exhaust it louder than I was expecting and really howls if you give it some beans and I love the noise the air intake makes when it's sucking in air which seems a lot more pronounced when releasing the foot from the throttle.



Stillen Gen 3 Air intake.


Fast Intentions TDX with 18inch Resonators.





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@ rob63 You will be very happy with the whole setup and service. They are very professional and more importantly (to me anyway) treat you like a human being rather than just another customer which I find to be a hard thing to find these days.

@Suits Be warned, this exhaust is NOT for the faint hearted lol. It's bloody loud, I truly hope it calms down even if it's just a little bit :D But yes I am extremely pleased with the results!!

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The tunnel run won't be a problem as there's one I drive through every morning, although I have no idea how to get a video on here lol.


@ScottyZ It does feel pretty different. I've noticed that the acceleration doesn't seem as fierce but it seems to accelerate for longer.

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I did indeed get that Scotty, I've noticed a bit of difference between them. The 'full fat' mode doesn't accelerate as aggressively as the stock setting for example but does accelerate for longer before needing to change gear (or that's what it seems like to me)

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@GMballistic, I managed to do a video last night (two actually but one of them just had road noise and wind due to the windows being open) The second video was done with the windows up so came out ok but really doesn't do it justice (probably as it was done on the phone rather than a proper recording device) I think the file is 2.8MB so probably to big to post on here anyway lol

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  On 06/12/2013 at 05:57, Steel Lynx said:

@GMballistic, I managed to do a video last night (two actually but one of them just had road noise and wind due to the windows being open) The second video was done with the windows up so came out ok but really doesn't do it justice (probably as it was done on the phone rather than a proper recording device) I think the file is 2.8MB so probably to big to post on here anyway lol


Not sure but I think if you create a 'photo bucket' account you can upload the video there and post a link on here (same applies to photos).

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