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When Dan gets hungry


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  On 06/10/2013 at 18:37, SuperStu said:

It's disgusting. I love it. I want one.


What's with the chicken soup? A tasty beverage to wash down a Big Ekona Burger? 5 dollar shake for dessert?

I think that was for size reference!! :surrender:
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It was, yeah. Took me a while to find something in the cupboard suitable, I don't keep a lot of tinned stuff around these days, far too healthy for that.





Although I guess the burger would tend to disprove that a bit.

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Nowt more than a bit of seasoning, was toying with the idea of a splash of Worcester sauce or an oxo cube or two, but didn't want to overpower the sauce. In retrospect I should've done as the meat was a little bland otherwise, but it's a lesson I can learn for next time ;)

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  On 06/10/2013 at 17:03, Ekona said:

We were going to use the tiger loaf, but then Jo went to Ipswich and found the perfect round loaf so I switched them out last minute. Good eye sir :)

Didn't know you were from round these parts :wave:


Anyway, that's a ridiculous burger! haha

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Recipe you say...



Okay, so you'll need:


1kg mince

1 huge bread loaf thing

10 rashers of streaky bacon

2 onions(one for the burger, one for the sauce)

2 tomatoes

1 lettuce

1 egg

Bunch of gherkins

Plastic cheese

Some plain flour


For the sauce:

French dressing

White vinegar


Pickle (preferably the smooth stuff else you need a blender)





First, make the sauce. Grate one onion, add 200g mayo, 4 tbsp pickle, 4 tbsp dressing, 1tsp vinegar, 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp sugar. Mix the lot then cover and refrigerate for a few hours. Longer, the better, overnight would be ideal.


Next, the roll. Just slice it into three, no butter needed. Now you can work out how big you need to make the burgers! Grab the mince and chuck it into a big mixing bowl, add one egg and seasoning to taste. Mix it with your hands (protip: remove rings first, I didn't but regretted it) and divide into two equal portions and flatten. Flour both sides to stop them falling apart then pop into a frying pan on a medium to low heat. They take about 15 - 20 mins to cook properly. Do not eat red mince! To flip the burgers, slide a plate on top then lift with a spatula, then turn the plate and slide the meat back in. You'll prob want to drain the fat a couple of times, maybe more if your meat isn't great quality.


Pop the bacon in the grill and get that going, then start layering. Start with lettuce on the very lowest slice, followed by the plastic cheese, then slap on the sauce. Cover the cheese well, then add a diced onion. On the upper layer place more lettuce, then the gherkins, tomato and then finally the bacon when it's done.


Now it's just a case of popping the burgers in when done, and making the tower up. Grab a pic of your epicness, then tuck in! :D

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  On 06/10/2013 at 19:15, Ekona said:

Nowt more than a bit of seasoning, was toying with the idea of a splash of Worcester sauce or an oxo cube or two, but didn't want to overpower the sauce. In retrospect I should've done as the meat was a little bland otherwise, but it's a lesson I can learn for next time ;)


I make my own quite often (not quite a big as those bad boys :). You do tend to discover that mince is pretty tasteless unless you chuck quite a lot of stuff in it.


You could try any of the following in addition to salt and pepper: cumin powder, fresh thyme, rosemary (chopped very small), tarragon, mustard, (Worcester sauce or Oxo, like you were thinking), parsley, veggie stock powder, chopped fresh chillies, ketchup - the list is pretty endless. I avoid raw onion, as that's all you end up tasting.


Delia Smith moment now over.......... :blush:

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